AWS App Runner vs Fargate: Differences & Uses Compared (2023)

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AWS offers App Runner and Elastic Container Service with Fargate as two serverless options to deploy and manage your container applications inside of their cloud. App Runner is a newer service and built on top of Fargate. It provides a done-for-you platform. In contrast, ECS with Fargate gives you more fine-grained control & customization.

Comparing AWS App Runner vs. Fargate

FeatureAWS App RunnerFargate
Supported Use CasesWeb applications,
APIs, microservices,
batch processing,
event-driven applications
Containerized applications,
microservices architectures,
data processing pipelines,
serverless computing
PricingPay-as-you-go pricingPay-as-you-go pricing
Cost-effectivenessVaries depending on workload and resource usage patternsVaries depending on workload and resource usage patterns
Deployment EaseSimplified deployment and automatic scalingVersatile, but may require more configuration and management
PerformanceGood performance for supported use casesPotentially better performance for certain applications due to a wider range of supported workloads
ScalabilityAutomatic scalingScalable, but may require more manual configuration
SecurityStrong security featuresInfrastructure-level isolation and stronger security features
Integration with AWS ServicesSeamless integration with some AWS servicesSeamless integration with a wide range of AWS services
Best Suited ForSimpler applications with varying workloadsMore complex and versatile applications

Article Highlights

  1. AWS App Runner and Fargate are cloud services designed to deploy and scale containerized applications. And with some differences in supported use cases, performance, scalability, security, cost, and integration with other AWS services.
  2. AWS App Runner is best suited for web applications, APIs, microservices, batch processing, and event-driven applications. At the same time, Fargate is more versatile and can handle a wider range of containerized applications and use cases.
  3. Both services offer pay-as-you-go pricing, but their cost-effectiveness may vary depending on the workload and resource usage patterns.
  4. Fargate provides infrastructure-level isolation and stronger security features, making it more suitable for applications with strict security requirements.
  5. Choosing the right service depends on factors such as the type of application, budget constraints, performance requirements, and security and compliance needs.
  6. Future trends in cloud services include a greater focus on serverless computing, increased adoption of multi-cloud strategies, enhanced security and compliance features, and improved AI and ML integration.
AWS App Runner vs Fargate

An Overview of AWS App Runner vs Fargate

What is AWS App Runner

AWS App Runner is a fully managed service designed to simplify and accelerate the process of deploying, building, and scaling containerized applications. It allows developers to focus on writing code and creating new features without worrying about managing the underlying infrastructure. 

App Runner is ideal for deploying web applications, APIs, microservices, and event-driven applications. It automatically builds, deploys, and scales your application based on demand, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

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AWS App Runner vs Fargate: Differences & Uses Compared (2023)

AWS App Runner vs Fargate? Don't make a decision without reading our in-depth comparison of these two popular cloud services

Fargate is a serverless container compute engine with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). It enables developers to run containers without managing the underlying infrastructure, resulting in a more streamlined and efficient development process. 

Fargate is suitable for various use cases, such as containerized applications, microservices architectures, data processing pipelines, and serverless computing. It provides a highly customizable environment that seamlessly integrates with ECS and EKS. And also allowing developers to leverage the benefits of container orchestration platforms.

AWS App Runner and Fargate are cloud services that help developers deploy and manage containerized applications without the hassle of managing the infrastructure. While AWS App Runner offers simplicity and ease of use, Fargate provides more customization options and integration with container orchestration platforms like ECS and EKS. 

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the specifics of each service, including its costs, deployment processes, and use cases, to help you make an informed decision for your specific needs.

The Importance of cloud services in modern applications

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, cloud services play a critical role in developing, deploying, and managing modern applications. The adoption of cloud services has transformed how businesses operate, offering numerous benefits that contribute to the success of applications and drive innovation. 

Here, we will discuss the importance of cloud services in modern applications, highlighting the key advantages they bring to developers and organizations.


One of the most significant benefits of cloud services is their ability to scale resources dynamically based on application requirements. This allows developers to accommodate fluctuations in user demand without manual intervention, ensuring optimal performance and user experience. Scalability also means businesses can grow their applications without investing in additional infrastructure upfront.


Cloud services operate on a pay-as-you-go pricing model, enabling organizations to pay only for the resources they use. This approach eliminates the need for large upfront investments in infrastructure and reduces the total cost of ownership. Moreover, it allows businesses to allocate resources more efficiently and adapt their spending based on application needs.

Flexibility and agility.

Cloud services offer flexibility by providing various tools, technologies, and platforms that cater to different application requirements. This enables developers to select the most suitable technologies and services for their needs, accelerating development cycles and promoting innovation. Additionally, the agility offered by cloud services allows organizations to respond quickly to market changes and customer demands.

Security and compliance.

Cloud service providers invest heavily in security measures, such as data encryption, access control, and regular security audits. This ensures that applications hosted on the cloud are protected from potential threats and vulnerabilities. Cloud providers often adhere to strict compliance standards, helping businesses meet regulatory requirements and safeguard sensitive data.

Reliability and availability.

Cloud services are designed to be highly reliable and available, with redundant infrastructure and automatic failover mechanisms in place to minimize downtime. This ensures that applications remain accessible and performant even in the face of hardware failures or other issues. Cloud providers also offer service level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee a certain level of availability, providing businesses with peace of mind.

Global reach.

Cloud services enable developers to deploy their applications across multiple regions, ensuring low latency and a seamless customer experience worldwide. This global reach allows businesses to expand their target audience and tap into new markets, fueling growth and increasing revenue.

Cloud services are integral to the success of modern applications, providing scalability, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, security, reliability, and global reach. By leveraging the power of cloud services, developers and organizations can focus on creating innovative solutions. And also enhancing user experiences, and driving business growth. 

AWS App Runner and Fargate are cloud services that help developers deploy and manage containerized applications. And also offering unique features and benefits tailored to different use cases and requirements.

What is AWS App Runner

AWS App Runner is a fully managed service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows developers to build, deploy, and scale containerized applications quickly and efficiently. By abstracting away the complexities of managing infrastructure, App Runner enables developers to focus on writing code, developing new features, and delivering value to their customers.

AWS app Runner


The primary purpose of AWS App Runner is to simplify and accelerate the process of deploying, building, and scaling containerized applications. App Runner achieves this by automating several tasks associated with managing infrastructure, such as provisioning, patching, and scaling. The service integrates seamlessly with various AWS services and tools. And also allows developers to build end-to-end workflows and streamline their development processes.

App Runner is designed to support various use cases, making it suitable for various applications, including web applications, APIs, microservices, batch-processing tasks, and event-driven applications. Its automatic scaling capabilities ensure that applications can handle varying demand levels, resulting in optimal performance and user experience.

Dive Deeper into App Runner

Want to dig further into App Runner? We have a full article series diving into the AWS app hosting service. Check out the following articles to discover more.

Key Benefits of AWS App Runner

By using AWS App Runner, developers can benefit from the following:

  • Simplified deployment process: App Runner makes it easy to deploy containerized applications by automating the build and deployment process. And also reducing the need for manual intervention and streamlining the development cycle.
  • Automatic scaling: App Runner scales applications based on demand, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and applications remain performant even during periods of high traffic.
  • Integration with other AWS services: We can easily integrate App Runner with other AWS services, such as Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda, enabling developers to build complex, end-to-end workflows and leverage the full capabilities of the AWS ecosystem.
  • Minimal infrastructure management: With App Runner, developers do not need to worry about managing the underlying infrastructure, allowing them to focus on writing code and delivering new features.

AWS App Runner is a powerful service that simplifies containerised applications’ deployment, building, and scaling by automating infrastructure management tasks and integrating with other AWS services. Its versatility and ease of use make it ideal for developers looking to launch and scale their applications in the cloud quickly.

AWS App Runner Cost

Pricing model

AWS App Runner follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you are charged based on the resources used by your applications. 

Two main factors determine the cost:

  • Build and deployment duration: App Runner charges you for the time taken to build and deploy your application. This bills in terms of vCPU and GB memory per minute.
  • Service duration: Once your application is deployed, you are charged for the time your application runs, measured in terms of vCPU and GB memory per hour.

App Runner pricing also includes a free tier that offers a certain amount of monthly build and deployment hours. For detailed pricing information, visit the AWS App Runner Pricing page.

Cost optimization tips

To optimize your costs when using AWS App Runner, consider the following tips:

  • Utilize the free tier: AWS App Runner offers a free tier that provides a specific amount of monthly build and deployment hours. Make the most of this offering to minimize costs during the initial development and testing stages.
  • Monitor resource usage: Regularly monitor your application’s usage to identify inefficiencies or underutilized resources. AWS provides various monitoring tools, such as Amazon CloudWatch, which can help you track your application’s performance and resource usage.
  • Optimize container images: Smaller container images result in faster build times, which can help reduce costs. Ensure your container images only include the necessary files and dependencies to minimize build and deployment times.
  • Implement auto-scaling: AWS App Runner automatically scales your application based on demand. However, you can optimize costs by configuring auto-scaling policies aligning with your application’s requirements.
  • Use cost allocation tags: Apply tags to your App Runner resources to organize and categorize your costs. This can help you identify opportunities for cost optimization and provide better visibility into your spending.
  • Review billing and usage reports: Regularly review your AWS billing and usage reports to keep track of your spending and identify any unexpected charges or spikes in usage.

By following these cost optimization tips, you can effectively manage your AWS App Runner expenses and ensure you utilise resources efficiently while maintaining optimal application performance.

How Does AWS App Runner Work


AWS App Runner’s architecture is designed to simplify and streamline the process of building, deploying, and scaling containerized applications. The architecture comprises several components that work together to automate infrastructure management tasks and integrate with other AWS services. 

Here’s an overview of the App Runner architecture:

  • Source code or container image: You can provide your application’s source code (from a repository like GitHub or AWS CodeCommit) or a pre-built container image (from a container registry like Amazon ECR).
  • Build and deployment: App Runner automatically builds and deploys your application. App Runner builds a container image using a specified build configuration if you provide the source code. If you provide a container image, App Runner deploys it directly.
  • Application environment: App Runner provisions an isolated environment for your application that includes computing resources, networking, and security configurations. This environment is optimized for running containerized applications and can be easily scaled based on demand.
  • Load balancing: App Runner includes a built-in load balancer that distributes incoming traffic across multiple instances of your application, ensuring optimal performance and high availability.

Key components

Here are the key components that make up the AWS App Runner service:

  • Service: A service in App Runner is the primary resource that represents your application. It defines the source of your application (source code or container image), the desired runtime environment, and the configuration settings for scaling, networking, and security.
  • Instance: An instance is a running copy of your application within an App Runner service. App Runner automatically provisions instances based on the demand for your application and scales the number of instances as needed.
  • Custom domain: App Runner allows you to associate a custom domain with your service, making it accessible via a custom URL. This provides customers a more professional and user-friendly way to access your application.
  • Automatic scaling: App Runner’s automatic scaling feature monitors the demand for your application and adjusts the number of running instances accordingly. This ensures your application can handle varying traffic levels while maintaining optimal performance.
  • Integration with other AWS services: App Runner can easily integrate various AWS services, such as Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda. This allows you to build end-to-end workflows and leverage the full capabilities of the AWS ecosystem.

AWS App Runner works by automating the process of building, deploying, and scaling containerized applications using a combination of architectural components and key features. 

By abstracting away infrastructure management tasks and integrating with other AWS services, 

App Runner enables developers to focus on writing code and delivering new features, resulting in faster development cycles and improved application performance.

How to Deploy into AWS App Runner


Before deploying an application using AWS App Runner, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account: If you do not already have one, sign up for an AWS account at the AWS Management Console.
  • AWS CLI: Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) with the appropriate credentials and region settings.
  • Docker: If you use a container image, ensure that you have Docker installed on your local machine to build and test your container.
  • Source code or container image: Prepare the source code of your application (hosted in a repository like GitHub or AWS CodeCommit) or a pre-built container image (stored in a container registry like Amazon ECR).

Step-by-step guide

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to deploy an application using AWS App Runner:

First-Step: Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the AWS App Runner service.

Step 2: Click “Create service” to deploy your application.

Step 3: Choose your application’s source – either provide the source code repository (GitHub or AWS CodeCommit) or the container image repository (Amazon ECR). Connect your repository and grant the necessary permissions.

Step 4: If you are using source code, configure the build settings by providing the necessary build commands and specifying the Dockerfile location. App Runner will use these settings to build a container image for your application.

Step 5: Configure the runtime settings for your application. This includes specifying the environment variables, CPU, memory, and the number of instances required for your application. You can also enable automatic scaling by configuring the scaling settings according to your application’s needs.

Step 6: Configure networking settings, such as allowing access to your application from a custom domain or enabling TLS encryption for secure connections.

Step 7: Review your service configuration and click “Create & Deploy” to initiate deployment. AWS App Runner will build and deploy your application based on the provided settings.

Step 8: Monitor the deployment progress from the App Runner dashboard. Once the deployment is complete, App Runner will provide a default domain for your application. You can also add a custom domain if you have configured it in the networking settings.

Your application is now successfully deployed using AWS App Runner. You can manage, scale, and monitor your application from the App Runner dashboard, making it easy to maintain and update it as needed.

Uses of AWS App Runner

AWS App Runner is designed to support various use cases, making it suitable for various applications. It’s automatic scaling capabilities and streamlined deployment process makes it ideal for developers looking to launch and scale their applications quickly in the cloud. 

Here are some common uses of AWS App Runner:
  1. Web applications: App Runner simplifies the deployment and scaling of web applications, allowing developers to focus on creating features and improving user experience. Whether you are building a single-page application, a content management system, or an e-commerce platform, App Runner can help you deploy and manage your web application with minimal effort.
  2. APIs and microservices: App Runner is an excellent choice for deploying and scaling APIs and microservices, as it automatically manages the underlying infrastructure and load balancing. This enables developers to build scalable, high-performance APIs and microservices that can handle varying demand levels. Additionally, App Runner’s integration with other AWS services allows developers to create end-to-end workflows and leverage the full capabilities of the AWS ecosystem.
  3. Batch processing: We can App Runner to deploy and scale batch processing tasks that require the execution of repetitive jobs on large volumes of data. By automatically scaling compute resources based on demand, App Runner ensures that batch-processing tasks are completed efficiently and within the required timeframes.
  4. Event-driven applications: App Runner is well-suited for deploying event-driven applications that respond to specific triggers or events, such as changes in data, user actions, or system events. By leveraging App Runner’s automatic scaling capabilities, event-driven applications can quickly scale up or down based on the volume of incoming events, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization.

AWS App Runner is a versatile service that can deploy and scale various applications, including web applications, APIs, microservices, batch-processing tasks, and event-driven applications. Its ease of use, automatic scaling capabilities, and integration with other AWS services make it an ideal choice for developers looking to launch and scale their applications in the cloud quickly.

Pros and Cons of AWS App Runner


AWS App Runner offers several advantages for developers looking to deploy and scale containerized applications:

  • Simplified deployment: App Runner streamlines the process of building, deploying, and scaling containerized applications by automating infrastructure management tasks, allowing developers to focus on writing code and delivering new features.
  • Automatic scaling: App Runner automatically scales applications based on demand, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and that applications remain performant even during periods of high traffic.
  • Integration with other AWS services: App Runner can easily integrate various AWS services, such as Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda. This enables developers to build complex, end-to-end workflows and leverage the full capabilities of the AWS ecosystem.
  • Minimal infrastructure management: With App Runner, developers do not need to worry about managing the underlying infrastructure, allowing them to focus on writing code and delivering new features.
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing: App Runner follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, meaning you only pay for the resources you use. This can reduce costs and ensure efficient resource utilization.
  • Built-in load balancing: App Runner includes a built-in load balancer that distributes incoming traffic across multiple instances of your application, ensuring optimal performance and high availability.


Despite its many advantages, AWS App Runner also has some disadvantages to consider:

  • Limited customization: App Runner is designed to be a fully managed service, providing less control over the underlying infrastructure compared to other services like Amazon ECS or Kubernetes. This may be a limitation for some use cases that require more granular control over infrastructure components.
  • Potential vendor lock-in: As a managed service offered by AWS, App Runner is closely tied to the AWS ecosystem. While this can provide many benefits, it may also lead to vendor lock-in, making it more challenging to migrate your applications to other cloud providers in the future.
  • Not suitable for all applications: While App Runner is designed to support a wide range of applications, it may not be the best fit for every use case. For example, applications with specific performance requirements or tight integration with on-premises infrastructure may be better served by other deployment options.

AWS App Runner offers a variety of advantages for deploying and scaling containerized applications, such as simplified deployment, automatic scaling, and integration with other AWS services. 

However, it has disadvantages, such as limited customization and potential vendor lock-in. It is essential to consider these pros and cons carefully when deciding whether AWS App Runner is the right choice for your application.

AWS App Runner FAQ

When should I use AWS App Runner?

You should consider using AWS App Runner in the following scenarios:

  • You want to simplify deploying and scaling containerized applications without worrying about managing the underlying infrastructure.
  • Your application must be automatically scaled based on demand to handle varying traffic levels.
  • You want to leverage the AWS ecosystem and easily integrate your application with other AWS services.
  • Your application is a web application, API, microservice, batch processing task, or event-driven application that can benefit from App Runner’s streamlined deployment and automatic scaling features.

When should I avoid using AWS App Runner?

You may want to avoid using AWS App Runner in the following scenarios:

  • Your application requires more granular control over the underlying infrastructure, as App Runner is a fully managed service with limited customization options.
  • You are concerned about potential vendor lock-in and want to maintain the flexibility to move your application to other cloud providers in the future.
  • Your application has specific performance requirements or needs tight integration with on-premises infrastructure, which other deployment options may better serve.

Other common questions

Is AWS App Runner secure? 

Yes, AWS App Runner is designed with security in mind. It runs your application in an isolated environment with built-in security features like encryption and access control. Additionally, you can configure security settings, such as IAM roles and VPC settings, to meet your specific requirements.

Can I use custom domains with AWS App Runner? 

App Runner allows you to associate custom domains with your service, making your application accessible via a custom URL.

How do I monitor my application running on AWS App Runner? 

You can monitor your application’s performance and resource usage using Amazon CloudWatch, integrated with App Runner. CloudWatch provides metrics, logs, and alarms to help you track your application’s performance and troubleshoot any issues.

Does AWS App Runner support continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)? 

Yes, you can integrate App Runner with your existing CI/CD pipeline by connecting it to your source code repository or container registry. This allows you to automate your application’s building, testing, and deploying whenever changes are made to the source code or container image.

What is the difference between AWS App Runner and other AWS container services like Amazon ECS and EKS? 

AWS App Runner is a fully managed service designed to simplify the deployment and scaling of containerized applications. In contrast, Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) and EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) provide more control and customization options over the underlying infrastructure but require more management and configuration. 

App Runner is best suited for developers who want to focus on writing code and delivering new features without worrying about infrastructure management.

What is Fargate

Fargate is a serverless computing engine for containers Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers. It works with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Fargate allows you to run containers without managing the underlying infrastructure, making deploying and scaling containerized applications easier.

AWS App Runner vs Fargate


The primary purpose of Fargate is to simplify the process of running and managing containerized applications by abstracting away the underlying infrastructure. With Fargate, developers can focus on writing code and building features without worrying about the complexities of managing servers, clusters, or scaling container instances.

Fargate automatically provisions and scales the necessary compute resources to run your containers, ensuring optimal performance and efficient resource utilization. It eliminates the need to choose server types, decide when to scale your clusters, or optimize cluster utilization. 

This serverless approach allows developers to build and deploy applications faster while reducing the operational overhead typically associated with managing container infrastructure.

Key Benefits of Fargate

Fargate offers several key benefits for developers and organizations looking to deploy and scale containerized applications:
  1. Simplified management: With Fargate, you no longer need to manage the underlying infrastructure for your containerized applications. This allows developers to focus on writing code and building features instead of spending time and resources on infrastructure management tasks.
  2. Automatic scaling: Fargate automatically scales the necessary compute resources for your containers based on demand. This ensures optimal performance and efficient resource utilization, even during high traffic or increased workload.
  3. Serverless architecture: Fargate follows a serverless architecture, which means you do not need to provision or manage servers for your containerized applications. This simplifies the deployment process and reduces the operational overhead typically associated with running containers.
  4. Pay-as-you-go pricing: Fargate uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you only pay for the resources you use. This can help reduce costs and ensure you are only billed for the computing resources your applications need.
  5. Isolation and security: Fargate runs each container task or pod in an isolated environment, providing a strong security boundary between different applications. This helps prevent unauthorized access and ensures that your applications remain secure.
  6. Integration with AWS services: We can easily integrate Fargate with various AWS services, such as Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda. This enables you to build complex, end-to-end workflows and leverage the full capabilities of the AWS ecosystem.
  7. Flexible container orchestration: Fargate supports both Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS, allowing you to choose the container orchestration platform that best suits your needs. This allows you to use the same serverless computing engine for your containers, regardless of whether you prefer to work with ECS or Kubernetes.
Fargate offers numerous benefits for deploying and scaling containerized applications, such as simplified management, automatic scaling, serverless architecture, pay-as-you-go pricing, and integration with other AWS services. 

These benefits enable developers to build and deploy applications more quickly and efficiently while reducing operational overhead.

Fargate Cost

Pricing model

Fargate follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you are charged based on the amount of vCPU and memory resources consumed by your containerized applications. The cost is calculated per second, with a minimum charge of 1 minute. 

There are two primary components to Fargate’s pricing:

  • vCPU: The cost for vCPU is determined by the number of vCPU hours used by your tasks or pods. The price per vCPU hour varies depending on the AWS region where your resources run.
  • Memory: The cost for memory is determined by the amount of memory (in GB) consumed by your tasks or pods per hour. As with vCPU, the price per GB-hour varies depending on the AWS region.

Fargate also offers a savings plan, which allows you to commit to a specific amount of vCPU and memory usage for a 1 or 3-year term in exchange for a significant discount on your Fargate usage.

Cost optimization tips

To optimize costs when using Fargate, consider the following strategies:

  • Right-sizing resources: Ensure that your container tasks or pods are allocated the appropriate amount of vCPU and memory resources. Over-provisioning can result in unnecessary costs, while under-provisioning can lead to performance issues.
  • Monitor usage: Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your Fargate resource usage and identify opportunities for optimization. Regularly review your usage patterns and adjust resource allocation as needed.
  • Use Fargate Spot: Fargate Spot is an option that allows you to run tasks or pods at a discounted rate using spare capacity within the AWS infrastructure. While Fargate Spot tasks or pods can be interrupted with a two-minute notice, it can be an excellent option for fault-tolerant and flexible workloads that can tolerate occasional interruptions.
  • Leverage AWS Savings Plans: If you have predictable and consistent Fargate usage, consider committing to a Fargate Savings Plan to receive significant discounts on your resource consumption.
  • Utilize auto-scaling: Configure auto-scaling for your tasks or pods to ensure that resources are scaled up or down automatically based on demand. This can help optimize costs and maintain application performance.

By carefully monitoring and optimizing your Fargate resource usage, you can help control costs while still delivering performant and scalable containerized applications.

How Does Fargate Work


Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) ecosystem. It integrates with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) to manage containerised applications’ deployment, scaling, and running.

When you use Fargate with ECS, you create a task definition that specifies your application’s container images, resource requirements, and other configurations. Once the task definition is created, you can launch tasks or create a service that runs and manages multiple instances of the task.

When using Fargate with EKS, you create a Kubernetes pod definition that includes the container images, resource requirements, and desired configurations. You can then deploy the pod within an EKS cluster backed by Fargate.

Fargate automatically provisions and manages the underlying infrastructure required to run your containers in both cases. It allocates the appropriate amount of vCPU and memory resources, handles scaling, and monitors the health of your tasks or pods.

Key components

Some of the key components involved in Fargate’s operation include:

  • Task definitions (ECS) or pod specifications (EKS) define your application’s container images, resource requirements, and configurations. They are the blueprint for Fargate to launch and manage tasks or pods.
  • Tasks (ECS) or pods (EKS): Tasks or pods are the individual instances of your containerized applications that run on Fargate. They are based on the task definition or pod specification provided.
  • Services (ECS) or deployments (EKS): Services (in ECS) or deployments (in EKS) are responsible for maintaining a specified number of running tasks or pods. They handle the scaling and orchestration of your application instances.
  • Clusters: A cluster is a logical grouping of resources within a specific AWS region. In the context of Fargate, we can use clusters to organize and manage tasks or pods running within the same environment.
  • Load balancers: Load balancers distribute incoming traffic across multiple tasks or pods, improving the availability and reliability of your application.
  • Auto-scaling: Fargate supports auto-scaling, which automatically adjusts the number of running tasks or pods based on demand and predefined scaling policies.

By leveraging these key components, Fargate simplifies deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications, allowing developers to focus on writing code and building features without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Fargate Deployment


Before deploying a containerized application using Fargate, you need to meet the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account: Sign up for an AWS account if you don’t have one.
  • AWS CLI: Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on your local machine.
  • Docker: Install Docker on your local machine for building and testing container images.
  • Familiarity with Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS: Depending on whether you choose to use Fargate with ECS or EKS, you should understand the respective service and its concepts.

Step-by-step guide

This guide will outline the steps for deploying a containerized application using Fargate with Amazon ECS. 

If you prefer to use Fargate with Amazon EKS, the process will be similar, but you’ll need to adapt the steps to work with Kubernetes objects and concepts.
  1. Create a container image
  • Develop your application and package it into a container image using Docker.
  • Test the container image locally to ensure it runs correctly.
  1. Push the container image to Amazon ECR
  • Create an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository to store your container image.
  • Authenticate your Docker client to the Amazon ECR registry.
  • Tag your container image with the Amazon ECR repository URI.
  • Push your container image to the Amazon ECR repository.
  1. Create an ECS task definition
  • Create a JSON-formatted task definition file that specifies the container image, resource requirements, and any necessary configurations for your application.
  • Register the task definition with Amazon ECS using the AWS CLI or the AWS Management Console.
  1. Create an ECS cluster
  • Using the AWS CLI or the AWS Management Console, create an Amazon ECS cluster that will run your tasks.
  1. Create an ECS service
  • Create an Amazon ECS service within your cluster responsible for running and maintaining a specified number of tasks based on the task definition you created earlier.
  • Configure the service to use the Fargate launch type.
  • Optionally, configure a load balancer to distribute traffic across your tasks.
  1. Launch the service
  • Launch the ECS service, running tasks on Fargate according to the desired task count specified in the service configuration.
  1. Monitor your application
  • Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the performance and resource usage of your tasks.
  • Set up alarms and notifications to stay informed about any issues or events related to your application.

By following these steps, you can deploy a containerized application using Fargate with Amazon ECS. Make any necessary adaptations if you prefer to use Fargate with Amazon EKS, such as creating a Kubernetes deployment instead of an ECS service.

Uses of Fargate

Containerized applications.

Fargate is an excellent choice for deploying and managing containerized applications. With its serverless compute engine and simplified infrastructure management, Fargate allows developers to focus on building and enhancing their applications without worrying about provisioning and maintaining the underlying resources. 

Fargate automatically handles scaling, load balancing, and resource allocation, making it ideal for running containerized applications with varying workloads and performance requirements.

Microservices architectures.

Fargate is particularly well-suited for microservices architectures. In microservices, an application is broken down into smaller, independent components that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Fargate’s ability to manage and scale individual containers makes it an excellent platform for deploying microservices. 

Developers can build, test, and deploy each microservice in isolation, while Fargate manages the underlying resources and scales the services as needed.

Data processing pipelines.

Fargate can also be used to create and manage data processing pipelines. By leveraging Fargate’s serverless infrastructure and integration with other AWS services, you can build scalable and efficient data processing workflows that handle tasks such as data ingestion, transformation, analysis, and storage. 

Fargate’s automatic scaling capabilities ensure that your data processing pipelines can handle varying workloads and adapt to changing data volumes. At the same time, its pay-as-you-go pricing model helps control costs.

Serverless computing.

Fargate’s serverless computing engine makes it a suitable option for serverless computing. With Fargate, you don’t need to manage the underlying servers or infrastructure; you only pay for the compute resources you use. This serverless approach allows you to build and deploy applications that automatically scale with demand, reducing operational overhead and improving cost efficiency.

Fargate is a versatile platform that can be used for various use cases, including containerized applications, microservices architectures, data processing pipelines, and serverless computing. Its serverless architecture, automatic scaling capabilities, and simplified infrastructure management make it ideal for developers looking to deploy and manage scalable, efficient, and cost-effective applications.

Pros and Cons of Fargate


  • Serverless infrastructure: Fargate provides a serverless compute engine for containers, eliminating the need to manage, provision, and maintain the underlying infrastructure. This enables developers to focus on building and enhancing their applications instead of worrying about infrastructure management.
  • Simplified scaling: Fargate automatically handles the scaling of your containerized applications, allowing them to adapt to changing workloads and demands without manual intervention. You can configure auto-scaling policies based on predefined metrics, ensuring that your application remains performant and responsive.
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing: Fargate follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you only pay for the vCPU and memory resources consumed by your tasks or pods. This helps optimize costs, as you don’t pay for idle or underutilized resources.
  • Easy integration with AWS services: Fargate integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, such as Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and Amazon CloudWatch. This enables you to build end-to-end solutions leveraging the full suite of AWS offerings.
  • Enhanced security: Fargate isolates tasks and pods at the infrastructure level, reducing the potential attack surface and providing an additional layer of security. You can also leverage AWS security best practices and services, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon VPC, to further secure your applications.


  • Limited customization: Fargate abstracts away the underlying infrastructure, which means you have limited control over the environment in which your containers run. This can be a drawback for applications that require specific configurations or optimizations at the infrastructure level.
  • Higher cost for certain workloads: While Fargate’s pay-as-you-go pricing model can be cost-effective for many workloads, it may be more expensive than managing your infrastructure for certain applications or use cases, especially those with steady resource usage patterns.
  • Limited regional availability: Fargate is unavailable in all AWS regions, which may be a limitation for applications requiring a specific regional presence or having strict data sovereignty requirements.
  • Dependency on AWS: By using Fargate, you rely on AWS to manage the underlying infrastructure and scale your containerized applications. This may not be ideal for organizations that prefer a multi-cloud strategy or wish to avoid vendor lock-in.

Fargate offers several advantages, such as serverless infrastructure, simplified scaling, and easy integration with other AWS services. However, it has disadvantages, including limited customization, potentially higher costs for certain workloads, limited regional availability, and dependency on AWS. Consider these pros and cons when deciding whether Fargate is the right choice for your use case.

Fargate FAQ

When should I use Fargate?

You should consider using Fargate when:

  • You want to deploy containerized applications without managing the underlying infrastructure.
  • Your applications have varying workloads and require automatic scaling to handle changes in demand.
  • You prefer a pay-as-you-go pricing model to optimize costs based on resource usage.
  • You want to leverage the AWS ecosystem for easy integration with other AWS services.
  • Fargate’s default configurations can meet your application’s infrastructure requirements, and you don’t need extensive customization.

When should I avoid using Fargate?

You may want to avoid using Fargate when:

  • Your application requires specific infrastructure customizations or optimizations unavailable in Fargate.
  • You have workloads with steady resource usage patterns where managing your infrastructure may be more cost-effective.
  • Your application must be deployed in an AWS region where Fargate is unavailable.
  • You prefer a multi-cloud strategy or want to avoid vendor lock-in, as Fargate is an AWS-specific service.

Other common questions

Can I use Fargate with Amazon EKS?

Yes, we can use Fargate with both Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS. When using Fargate with EKS, you must create a Kubernetes pod definition and deploy it within an EKS cluster backed by Fargate.

How does Fargate handle security?

Fargate provides enhanced security by isolating tasks and pods at the infrastructure level. This reduces the potential attack surface and provides an additional layer of security. You can also leverage other AWS security best practices and services, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon VPC, to further secure your applications.

How do I monitor my applications running on Fargate?

You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your tasks’ performance and resource usage or pods running on Fargate. Additionally, you can set up alarms and notifications to stay informed about any issues or events related to your application.

Can I use custom container images with Fargate?

Yes, you can use custom container images with Fargate. You’ll need to create a container image, push it to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository or another container registry, and then reference the image in your task definition or pod specification.

AWS App Runner vs Fargate: Comprehensive Comparison

Use Cases

  • AWS App Runner: Best suited for web applications, APIs, microservices, batch processing, and event-driven applications. It is designed to simplify the deployment and scaling of containerized applications, particularly for developers with less experience managing infrastructure.
  • Fargate: Ideal for containerized applications, microservices architectures, data processing pipelines, and serverless computing. It is more versatile than App Runner, allowing developers to deploy and manage various applications and use cases.


  • AWS App Runner: Offers good performance for the supported use cases, automatically handling scaling and load balancing to ensure that applications remain responsive even under heavy workloads.
  • Fargate: It also delivers strong performance for various workloads, providing automatic scaling and load balancing. However, Fargate’s support for a wider range of applications may result in better performance for certain use cases compared to App Runner.


  • AWS App Runner: Automatically scales applications based on demand, making it easy to handle varying workloads without manual intervention.
  • Fargate: Offers similar automatic scaling capabilities, allowing containerized applications to adapt to changing workloads and demands seamlessly.


  • AWS App Runner: Provides a secure environment for deploying applications, with built-in encryption, automatic security updates, and integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • Fargate: Offers enhanced security through infrastructure-level isolation of tasks and pods and integration with AWS security best practices and services such as IAM and Amazon VPC.

Cost Comparison

  • AWS App Runner: Follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, charging based on the amount of vCPU and memory used by your applications. While this can be cost-effective for many workloads, it may be more expensive for certain applications compared to Fargate.
  • Fargate: It also uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model, but it may be more cost-effective than App Runner for specific workloads or use cases, especially those with steady resource usage patterns.

Integration with other AWS services

  • AWS App Runner: Integrates with a range of AWS services, such as Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and AWS CodeStar, allowing developers to build end-to-end solutions using the AWS ecosystem.
  • Fargate: Offers seamless integration with a wider array of AWS services, including Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and Amazon CloudWatch, making it more versatile in building comprehensive solutions on AWS.

AWS App Runner and Fargate provide useful functionality for deploying and scaling containerized applications, with some differences in use cases, performance, scalability, security, cost, and integration with other AWS services. Consider these factors when choosing the right service for your specific application and requirements.

Choosing the Right Service

Factors to Consider

  1. Type of application: Consider your application’s specific use case and requirements when choosing between AWS App Runner and Fargate. App Runner is best suited for web applications, APIs, microservices, batch processing, and event-driven applications. At the same time, Fargate is more versatile and can handle a wider range of containerized applications and use cases.
  2. Budget constraints: Both AWS App Runner and Fargate use a pay-as-you-go pricing model, but their cost-effectiveness can vary depending on your workload. Assess your application’s resource usage patterns to determine the more cost-effective service.
  3. Performance requirements: Consider the performance needs of your application, such as response times, throughput, and resource efficiency. While both services offer good performance for their supported use cases, Fargate may perform better for certain applications due to its wider range of supported workloads.
  4. Security and compliance needs: Evaluate your application’s security and compliance requirements, such as data isolation, encryption, and access control. Both AWS App Runner and Fargate provide strong security features, but Fargate’s infrastructure-level isolation may be better suited for applications with strict security requirements.

Recommendations for different scenarios

  • AWS App Runner is a great choice for web applications, APIs, microservices, batch processing, and event-driven applications with varying workloads due to its simplicity, ease of deployment, and automatic scaling capabilities.
  • For containerized applications, microservices architectures, data processing pipelines, and serverless computing, Fargate may be more appropriate, thanks to its versatility, support for a wider range of applications, and seamless integration with other AWS services.
  • If cost optimization is a priority, compare the pricing models of AWS App Runner and Fargate, considering your application’s specific resource usage patterns. Choose the service that offers the most cost-effective solution for your workload.
  • If security and compliance are critical factors for your application, Fargate’s infrastructure-level isolation and integration with AWS security best practices and services may provide a more secure environment than AWS App Runner.

Ultimately, the best choice between AWS App Runner and Fargate will depend on your specific application requirements, budget constraints, performance needs, and security concerns. Carefully evaluate these factors and choose the service that best aligns with your use case and needs.

AWS App Runner vs Fargate: A Comprehensive Comparison of Cloud Services Summary

In this comprehensive comparison of AWS App Runner and Fargate, we discussed the key differences between these cloud services designed for deploying and scaling containerized applications. 

AWS App Runner is best suited for web applications, APIs, microservices, batch processing, and event-driven applications, simplifying deployment and scaling for developers. Fargate is more versatile and can handle a wider range of containerized applications, microservices architectures, data processing pipelines, and serverless computing.

Both services offer pay-as-you-go pricing, but their cost-effectiveness may vary depending on the workload and resource usage patterns. Fargate provides infrastructure-level isolation and stronger security features, making it more suitable for applications with strict security requirements. 

Factors such as the application type, budget constraints, performance requirements, and security and compliance need should be considered to choose the right service.

Future trends in cloud services include a greater focus on serverless computing, increased adoption of multi-cloud strategies, enhanced security, and compliance features, and improved AI and ML integration. 

By keeping an eye on these trends and continually evaluating your application requirements. And you can make informed decisions about the cloud services that best suit your current and future needs.

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