What is Azure Service Bus & When to Use it in Your Applications

Azure Service Bus is a cloud-based messaging service that helps address this challenge by providing a platform for decoupling applications and services from each other provided by Microsoft. The Microsoft Azure platform provides this service for better scalability, reliability, and flexibility in application development and deployment. Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise message broker that provides message queues and publish-subscribe topics in a namespace. It enables asynchronous messaging between different applications and services, meaning messages can be sent and received simultaneously without the sender and receiver being active. This decoupling of applications and services allows for better load-balancing work across competing workers and helps prevent system failures due to high traffic. By using Azure Service Bus, businesses can simplify their application architecture and reduce the complexity of integrating different systems. It provides a reliable and scalable platform for messaging and enables developers to focus on building their applications…

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Read Excel Files in PHP: 3 Options with Code Examples (2023)

If you are working with data, you might have come across Excel files that need to be imported and manipulated in your PHP application. There are several PHP libraries available that allow you to read Excel files.  In this article, we'll cover three popular libraries: SimpleXLSX PhpSpreadsheet Spout Quick Comparison The following table provides a quick overview of the key features and differences between the three libraries. FeatureSimpleXLSXPhpSpreadsheetSpoutFile FormatsXLSX, XLSXLSX, XLS, CSVXLSX, CSVAdvanced FeaturesBasicAdvancedBasicReading EfficiencyGoodMediumExcellentWriting EfficiencyGoodMediumExcellentAPI ComplexitySimpleAdvancedSimpleMaintenanceLowHighMediumDocumentationBasicComprehensiveBasic Read Excel Files in PHP Code Examples Read Excel Files in PHP with SimpleXLSX  <?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory; $spreadsheet = IOFactory::load('example.xlsx'); $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(); $data = $worksheet->toArray(null, true, true, true); print_r($data); ?> Read Excel Files in PHP with PhpSpreadsheet <?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory; $spreadsheet = IOFactory::load('example.xlsx'); $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(); $data = $worksheet->toArray(null, true, true, true); print_r($data); ?> Read Excel Files in PHP with Spout <?php require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); use Box\Spout\Reader\Common\Creator\ReaderEntityFactory; $reader = ReaderEntityFactory::createXLSXReader();…

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How to Validate Phone Numbers Using PHP | Code Examples 2023

Phone number validation is an important aspect of many web applications, especially those that involve user input. It ensures that the phone number entered by the user is valid and can be used for various purposes like sending SMS, making phone calls, or storing in a database. In this article, we will explore different methods of validating phone numbers in PHP and the pros and cons of each method. How to Validate Phone Numbers in PHP In this article, we will explore three methods of validating phone numbers in PHP and discuss the best practices to follow to ensure your application is robust and reliable. We will also answer frequently asked questions about phone number validation to help you better understand this crucial aspect of web application development. PHP Validate Phone Numbers Code Example <?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil; use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat; $phone_number = "123-456-7890"; $phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance(); try { $numberProto…

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Use the Template Method Design Pattern | PHP Code Examples in 2023

Using the Template Method Pattern in PHP The template method pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines the steps of an algorithm and allows sub-classes to provide an implementation for one or more steps without affecting the algorithm structure. Article Highlights The template method defines the steps or skeleton of an algorithm and allows sub-classes to override one or more of these steps. Benefit - Helps remove code duplication, making the system less rigid to changes. Con - May limit flexibility in tinkering with the steps of an algorithm. Template Design Pattern PHP Code Example <?php abstract class IceTea { public function prepareIceTea() { $this->addBoilWater(); $this->addTeaBag(); $this->addSugar(); $this->brewTea(); $this->addColdWater(); $this->addIce(); } public function addBoilWater() { echo "Adding boil water"."\n"; } public abstract function addTeaBag(); public function addSugar() { echo "Adding sugar"."\n"; } public function brewTea() { echo "Brewing tea"."\n"; } public function addColdWater() { echo "Adding cold water"."\n"; }…

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Fetch Data from API: 3 PHP Options with Code Examples in 2023

How to Fetch Data from a REST API with PHP There are three options to fetch data from a REST API with PHP. The Guzzle composer package is the recommended approach. The PHP cURL library and file_get_contents function are also options available as well. Example code to Fetch Data from a REST API in PHP <?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request; $client = new Client(); // We prepare the Request. $request = new Request('GET', 'https://www.example.com'); // Sends a Request $response = $client->send($request); // Read the Response. $response_body = (string)$response->getBody(); var_dump($response_body); ?> Options to Get Data From API in PHP Comparison Table Featurefile_get_contentscURLGuzzle (Composer Package)Ease of UseSimple and concise.Requires more codeWell-documented and user-friendly.HTTP MethodsSupports GET and POST.Supports various methods (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)Supports various methods (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)Request HeadersLimited control over headers.Full control over headers.Full control over headers.Response HandlingProvides the response as a string.Requires manual parsing.Provides a more structured…

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Use the Visitor Design Pattern | PHP Code Examples in 2023

Using the Visitor Design Pattern in PHP The visitor pattern is a behavioral pattern that separates algorithms from the objects it operates on. This distinction helps minimize changes to the existing system and conveniently introduces new behaviors or variants of behavior to the system. Article Highlights Visitor pattern helps in the separation of concerns between behaviors (algorithms) and objects they act on. Benefit - Add additional behaviors (algorithms) to a complex composite without changing it. Con - A visitor class is coupled to the base classes it operates on. Use when you need to separate the business and presentational layers in an application. <?php interface Visitor { public function menuInfo($menu); public function menuItemInfi($menuItem); } class NutrientInfoVisitor implements Visitor { //Expects Menu object public function menuInfo($menu) { /* Iterate through menu items and provide information on every menu item. */ } //Expects MenuItem object. public function menuItemInfo($menuItem) { /* Provide nutrient…

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SimpleBackups.com: Our Review of the Backup Service

SimpleBackups.com at a glance Backing up our applications is one of the biggest areas that can lead to disasters that we too often neglect. We get overwhelmed and distracted by the logistics of making it happen. SimpleBackups makes it easy and headache free. They automate the entire process for you and it takes as little as 15 minutes to get done. Types of backup services that they offer: Database Backups Cloud Storage Backups Server backups Application Snapshots & Autocreation Code Repository Backups SimpleBackups Plans & Pricing The following is a list of their plan when billed annually. They do offer a free tier AND a 7-day free trial of all of their plans. There is also an Enterprise level solution for larger organizations. The free trial is risk-free with no credit card required. Free tier with 1 Backup Job: $0 / mo Startup with 20 Backup Jobs: $29 / mo…

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5 Pluralsight Courses to 10x Your Web Development Career

The Importance of Continuous Learning Getting your foot in the door as a professional web developer is hard today. It's highly competitive and you need to "prove" yourself before you feel like you can get a job. 6-week boot camps have flooded the market to where it's almost impossible to get your career started. This is on top of the fact that technology is always changing. The technology that was popular and new just 5 years ago is quickly becoming outdated. You have to continuously work at your craft in order to be a successful web developer. That's why I 100% promote the concept of "Continuous Learning". I have grown to the top of the field as a 1% developer through the habit of learning everything that I can. This is the skill I've used to stay on top of the game and discover what works today but what will…

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Best Cloud PHP Hosting Providers for Apps Compared in 2023

Cloud Hosting for PHP Applications Table of Contents Best Cloud Hosting Solutions for Startups Best Cloud Hosting Solutions for Growing Apps Best Cloud Hosting Solution for Large-Scale Enterprise Cloud Providers Managed Cloud Services Classic Shared & Dedicated Services Comparing the Major Cloud Providers [wptb id=5268] Best Cloud PHP Hosting Solutions for SAAS Startups Google Cloud Run, App Engine & AWS App Runner are all excellent solutions for setting up your PHP startup app directly into a large cloud provider. GCP gets the nudge for the quickest to setup as you don't have to worry about VPC & networking. On the other hand, you may still end up using AWS services. App Runner & Beanstalk are excellent choices for startups in AWS. Personally, I'm not a fan of Azure for startups as its not their primary market. Winners for Startup Cloud Hosting GCP AWS Azure Sample Cloud Hosting Options for Startups…

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How to use the Singleton Pattern with PHP Examples in 2023

What is the Singleton Pattern in PHP Singleton pattern in PHP is easy to implement as we will see a Database class that ensures that there’s only one Database instance available application-wide. That’s what Singleton is all about. Singleton Pattern in PHP Just one class and that’s Singleton for you. Does it sound too naive compared to other patterns? Rightly guessed. But it is worth knowing Singleton and its ups and downs. So, stay tuned to learn more about the one and only Singleton. Definition | Singleton Design Pattern in PHP Singleton is a creational design pattern that ensures that only one instance of an object exists and is accessible globally. Singleton Pattern The objective of the pattern is to have more control over a global object. It makes sure to have one, and only one instance of an object and that object is accessible globally. Database Object | A…

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