What is a Monorepo: Intro Guide for App Development in 2024

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What is a Monorepo

A monorepo is a version-controlled code repository that holds many projects, often logically independent and run by different teams. A monorepo stores all of the code into a single repository instead of having multiple repositories for each responsibility. The benefits include simpler organization, deployment, onboarding, and efficiency.

The idea of a monorepo is not new, but it has gained popularity recently with the rise of tools like Git. The benefits of using a monorepo include improved code sharing, simplified dependency management, and atomic commits. However, there are also some challenges to using a monorepo, such as scalability issues and lack of access control.

Key Takeaways

  • A monorepo is a version-controlled code repository that holds many projects in one place.
  • Monorepos offer benefits such as improved code sharing and simplified dependency management but also face scalability issues and a lack of access control.
  • Using a monorepo can be a good choice for certain organizations, but it’s important to consider the advantages and disadvantages before deciding.

Understanding Monorepo

Definition and Overview

A monorepo is a version-controlled code repository that holds many projects. It is a single repository containing multiple distinct projects, with well-defined relationships. Monorepos are most likely unrelated, loosely connected, or can be connected by other means, such as dependency management tools. They are large in many ways, including the number of commits.

The idea behind a mono repo is to have one source of truth, a single source of truth, for all of the code in a project. This means that all changes to the codebase are tracked in one place, making it easier to manage and maintain the code. It also means that all of the code is in one place, making it easier to find and work with.

Monorepos are often compared to monolithic repositories, which are a service or set of services dedicated to a single dataset or project. The dataset, however, can have many sub-projects. But, typically think of a monolith as a single entity with related data. Monorepos, on the other hand, contain independent projects.

In a monorepo, all of the code is in one place, making it easier to share code between projects. This can lead to faster development times and better code quality. It also means that developers can work on multiple projects at once, without having to switch between different repositories.

Overall, monorepos are a powerful tool for managing large codebases. They provide a single source of truth for all of the code in a project, making it easier to manage and maintain the code. They also make it easier to share code between projects, leading to faster development times and better code quality.

The Evolution of Monorepos

Monorepos have been around for quite some time, with the concept dating back to at least the early 2000s. Initially, they were commonly referred to as shared codebases and used primarily by large tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. However, in recent years, monorepos have also become more popular among smaller companies and startups.

One of the main reasons for the increased popularity of monorepos is the rise of Git as the dominant version control system. Git’s ability to handle large repositories with many files and commits has made it easier for companies to adopt a monorepo approach. Additionally, monorepos can help companies streamline their development workflows and reduce the overhead of managing multiple repositories.

Google is perhaps the most well-known company that uses a monorepo. The company’s codebase, which includes over 2 billion lines of code, is stored in a single repository. Google’s monorepo approach has allowed the company to share code more easily between projects and teams, which has helped to improve development efficiency and reduce bugs.

Facebook is another company that has embraced the monorepo approach. The company’s codebase, which includes over 100,000 files and 10,000 commits per day, is stored in a single repository. Facebook’s monorepo approach has allowed the company to more easily share code between projects and teams, which has helped to improve development efficiency and reduce bugs.

Other companies that have adopted a monorepo approach include Twitter, Uber, and Airbnb. These companies have all reported benefits from using a monorepo, including improved code sharing, faster development cycles, and better team collaboration.

In summary, monorepos have evolved over time from a concept used primarily by large tech companies to a more mainstream approach used by companies of all sizes. The rise of Git as the dominant version control system has made it easier for companies to adopt a monorepo approach, and the benefits of improved code sharing, faster development cycles, and better collaboration between teams have made monorepos an attractive option for many companies.

Advantages of Monorepos

Monorepos have become increasingly popular in software development due to their many advantages. This section will explore some of the key benefits of using a monorepo architecture pattern.

Code Sharing and Reusability

One of the biggest advantages of using a monorepo is sharing and reusing code across multiple projects. With a monorepo, all of the code for a company or organization’s projects is stored in a single repository, making it easy for developers to access and reuse code from other projects.

This can save significant time and effort, as developers don’t have to write the same code multiple times for different projects. Additionally, by reusing code across projects, developers can ensure consistency and maintainability across their codebase.

Atomic Commits and Version Control

Another advantage of using a monorepo is making atomic commits and managing version control more effectively. With a monorepo, all of the code for a company or organization’s projects is stored in a single repository, making it easier to manage changes and track versions.

Developers can make atomic commits, which means that changes to multiple projects can be committed together as a single unit. This helps to ensure that changes are consistent across projects and that all dependencies are updated together.

Visibility and Ownership

Finally, using a monorepo can improve visibility and ownership of code across an organization. With a monorepo, all of the code for a company or organization’s projects is stored in a single repository, making it easier for developers to see what code exists and who owns it.

This can help to improve collaboration and reduce duplication of effort, as developers can easily see what code is available and who is responsible for maintaining it. Additionally, with a monorepo, tracking changes and ensuring that all code is up-to-date and consistent is easier.

In summary, using a monorepo can provide many advantages for organizations and companies that are developing software. By enabling code sharing and reusability, atomic commits and version control, and improving visibility and ownership, monorepos can help to improve collaboration, reduce duplication of effort, and ensure consistency and maintainability across a codebase.

Disadvantages of Monorepos

While monorepos offer several advantages, they also come with some disadvantages you should be aware of.

Performance Issues

One of the biggest concerns with monorepos is performance. As your codebase grows, managing and maintaining a single repository can become challenging. Large monorepos can be slow to clone, check out, and build, which can impact developer productivity. You may also experience issues with merge conflicts, which can cause delays and lead to downtime.

Security Concerns

Another disadvantage of monorepos is security. With a monorepo, all code is stored in a single repository, which means that if a hacker gains access to the repository, they will have access to all of your code. This can be a significant security risk, especially if you are working on projects that contain sensitive data.

Scalability Challenges

Scalability is another challenge with monorepos. As your codebase grows, managing and maintaining a single repository can become increasingly difficult. You may experience issues with code ownership, versioning, and dependencies, which can make it challenging to scale your development efforts.

To mitigate these challenges, it’s important to implement best practices for managing monorepos. You can use tools like Git submodules, which allow you to manage dependencies and versioning more effectively. You can also implement code review and access controls to ensure that only authorized users have access to your code.

Overall, monorepos offer several advantages but also come with some challenges. By understanding these challenges and implementing best practices, you can effectively manage and maintain your monorepo while maximizing developer productivity and minimizing risk.

Monorepo vs Polyrepo

When managing code repositories, there are two main strategies: monorepo and polyrepo. Both strategies have advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one for your team can be challenging. In this section, we will compare and contrast monorepo and polyrepo strategies.

Comparison and Contrast


A monorepo is a single repository containing all the project code. All the code for the project is stored in one place, which makes it easy to manage and maintain. Monorepos are often used for large projects with many developers, as they provide a single source of truth for the entire team.

One of the main advantages of a monorepo is that it makes it easy to share code between different parts of the project. This can help to reduce duplication and improve code quality. It also makes it easier to manage dependencies, as all the code is stored in one place.

However, monorepos can also be challenging to manage. The repository can become very large as the project grows, making it difficult to work with. Managing access control can also be challenging, as all the code is stored in one place.


A polyrepo is a strategy where each project has its repository. Each repository contains all the code for that project, and the repositories are managed separately. Polyrepos are often used for smaller projects or projects with few developers.

One of the main advantages of a polyrepo is that it makes it easy to manage access control. Each repository can have its own access control settings, which can help to improve security. It also makes it easier to manage dependencies, as each repository can have its own set of dependencies.

However, polyrepos can also lead to duplication and code quality issues. Sharing code between different parts of the project can be challenging, which can lead to duplication. It can also be challenging to manage dependencies, as each repository can have its own set of dependencies.


In conclusion, both monorepo and polyrepo strategies have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of your team and project. Monorepos are often used for large projects with many developers, while polyrepos are often used for smaller projects or projects with a small number of developers. It is important to carefully consider each strategy’s pros and cons before deciding.

Monorepo Tools and Technologies

When it comes to managing a monorepo, several tools and technologies are available to make the process easier and more efficient. In this section, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular tools and technologies used for managing monorepos.

Version Control Systems

Version control systems (VCS) are an essential tool for managing monorepos. They allow you to keep track of changes to your codebase, collaborate with other developers, and manage multiple projects within a single repository. Some of the most popular VCS used for monorepo management include Git and Mercurial.

Git is the most widely used VCS for monorepos. It’s fast, reliable, and offers a wide range of features for managing large repositories. Git LFS (Large File Storage) is a Git extension that allows you to manage large files within a Git repository. This is particularly useful for monorepos, where you may have multiple projects with large binary files.

Mercurial is another popular VCS for monorepos. It’s similar to Git in many ways but has a different approach to managing changes and branching. Mercurial also supports large file management through its Large File Extension.

Dependency Management Tools

Dependency management tools are another important component of monorepo management. They allow you to manage dependencies between projects within a single repository. Some of the most popular dependency management tools used for monorepos include npm, Yarn, and Lerna.

npm is the default package manager for Node.js. It allows you to manage dependencies for individual projects within a monorepo. Yarn is a newer package manager that offers faster and more reliable dependency management. It also supports workspaces, which allows you to manage dependencies across multiple projects within a monorepo.

Lerna is a tool specifically designed for managing monorepos. It allows you to manage dependencies between projects and publish packages to npm or a private registry. Lerna also supports versioning and tagging of packages.

Monorepo Management Tools

Finally, there are several tools specifically designed for managing monorepos. These tools provide a range of features for managing multiple projects within a single repository. Some of the most popular monorepo management tools include Bazel, Pants, Rush, and Buck.

Bazel is a build system that can be used for monorepo management. It allows you to build and test multiple projects within a single repository and manage dependencies between projects.

Pants is another build system that can be used for monorepo management. It offers a range of features for managing dependencies, building and testing multiple projects, and deploying applications.

Rush is a tool specifically designed for managing monorepos with npm. It allows you to manage dependencies between projects and build and test multiple projects within a single repository.

Buck is a build system developed by Facebook that can be used for monorepo management. It allows you to build and test multiple projects within a single repository and manage dependencies between projects.

Overall, there are many tools and technologies available for managing monorepos. The best tool for your needs will depend on your specific requirements and the size of your codebase. By using the right tools and technologies, you can make monorepo management easier and more efficient.

Monorepo in Practice

When it comes to using a monorepo in practice, there are a few key areas where it can have an impact. In this section, we’ll explore how monorepos can affect development, collaboration, deployment, and production.

Development and Collaboration

One of the primary benefits of using a monorepo is that it can make it easier for developers to collaborate on projects. Keeping all of the code for multiple projects in a single repository makes it easier to share code and resources across teams. This can help to reduce duplication of effort and make it easier to maintain consistency across different projects.

In a monorepo, developers can work on multiple projects within the same workspace. This can help to streamline their workflow and make it easier to manage their code. Additionally, because all of the code is in one place, it’s easier to see how changes to one project might affect others.

When it comes to managing contributions, a monorepo can make it easier to review and approve changes. Because all of the code is in one place, it’s easier to see how changes to one project might affect others. This can help ensure that changes are thoroughly tested and reviewed before merging into the main branch.

Deployment and Production

When it comes to deployment and production, a monorepo can help to simplify the process. Because all of the code for multiple projects is in one repository, it’s easier to manage deployments and releases. This can help reduce the risk of errors and ensure that all projects are deployed consistently.

In a monorepo, branches and tags can be used to manage different versions of the code. This can help ensure that different projects use the same version of shared resources and dependencies. Additionally, because all of the code is in one place, it’s easier to manage and track changes to the codebase over time.

Overall, using a monorepo can have a number of benefits when it comes to development, collaboration, deployment, and production. Keeping all of the code for multiple projects in a single repository makes it easier to manage and maintain consistency across different projects. It can also help simplify the process of managing contributions, releases, and deployments.

Monorepo Best Practices

When working with a monorepo, there are some best practices that you can follow to ensure that your codebase is of high quality, maintainable, and consistent. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Code Quality

Maintaining code quality is crucial when working with a monorepo. One way to ensure that your code is of high quality is to use automated tools to check for code quality issues, such as code smells, security vulnerabilities, and performance issues. You can also use code reviews to catch any issues that automated tools may have missed.


Maintaining a monorepo can be challenging, especially as the codebase grows larger. To ensure that your codebase remains maintainable, it is important to keep your code organized and well-structured. This can include using a consistent directory structure, naming conventions, and coding standards. You can also use code refactoring techniques to keep your codebase clean and maintainable.


Consistency is key when working with a monorepo. To ensure that your codebase is consistent, you should establish coding standards and guidelines that all developers must follow. This can include using consistent naming conventions, coding styles, and documentation standards. You can also use automation tools to enforce these standards and catch any inconsistencies.

CI/CD Pipeline

Having a robust and reliable CI/CD pipeline is essential when working with a monorepo. Your CI/CD pipeline should be able to handle the complexity of your monorepo and ensure that all changes are tested and deployed correctly. This can include using trunk-based development, where all changes are made to a single branch, and using automation tools to build, test, and deploy your code.


Automation is key when working with a monorepo. You should use automation tools to handle repetitive tasks like building, testing, and deploying your code. This can help reduce the risk of human error and ensure your codebase remains consistent and maintainable.


Documentation is essential when working with a monorepo. You should document your codebase thoroughly, including using inline comments, README files, and API documentation. This can help ensure that your codebase is well-understood and easily maintained by other developers.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your monorepo is of high quality, maintainable, and consistent and that your CI/CD pipeline is robust and reliable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of monorepo architecture?

Some popular examples of monorepo architecture include Google’s internal codebase, Facebook’s Mercurial monorepo, and Microsoft’s One Engineering System.

What is the purpose of using a monorepo?

The purpose of using a monorepo is to simplify the development process by storing multiple projects in a single repository. This allows for easier code sharing, better collaboration, and faster development cycles.

What are some tools for implementing a monorepo?

Some popular tools for implementing a monorepo include Bazel, Buck, Lerna, and Nx.

What are some drawbacks of using a monorepo?

Some potential drawbacks of using a monorepo include increased complexity, longer build times, and the risk of conflicting changes between projects.

Is a monorepo a good idea for a frontend project?

While monorepo architecture can be beneficial for frontend projects, it may not be the best fit for all projects. The decision to use a monorepo should be based on the specific needs and requirements of the project.

Do companies like Google still use a monorepo architecture?

Yes, companies like Google continue to use monorepo architecture due to its many benefits. However, it is important to note that monorepo architecture may not be the best fit for all companies or projects.

Read More on Monorepos

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