What is an API Contract & Why You Need One with Code Examples

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An API contract is a formal agreement between the provider and consumer of an API. It outlines each party’s expectations and responsibilities and specifies the rules and requirements for using the API. The rules include the format and structure of requests and responses, the supported methods and parameters, error handling, and other technical details.

Learn what an API Contract is and why you need one. We will also discuss the types of API contracts, design, and OpenAPI/Swagger contracts. Let’s begin!

Article Highlights

  • An API contract is a document that defines the rules and requirements for interacting with an API.
  • Contract-first API development means designing and developing an API by creating a contract or specification before writing any code.
  • OpenAPI/Swagger is a widely used API contract that allows you to define and document RESTful APIs.
  • API contract design involves creating a clear and comprehensive contract. And it defines the API’s endpoints, parameters, response types, and other details.
  • Versioning your API contracts is very important. It can help maintain compatibility, facilitate changes and upgrades, communicate, and support multiple clients and use cases.
  • API contracts are essential to API development and help ensure that APIs are well-designed, reliable, and maintainable over time.
What is an API Contract

Table of Contents

In this article, we will cover the following questions.

  1. What is an API contract?
  2. Why do we need API contracts?
  3. What Does Contract-First API Development Mean?
  4. What are the types of API Contracts?
  5. What is the OpenAPI / Swagger contract?
  6. What is API Contract Design?
  7. Why Should You Version Your API Contracts?
  8. Example REST API Contract?
  9. What is an API Contract & Why You Need One Summary?

What is an API contract

An API contract, also known as an API specification or API definition, is a document that outlines the expectations and requirements for an API.

The contract defines the rules for how software components should interact with each other. It includes the format of data, protocols to be used, and the expected behavior of the API under various conditions. It is a set of guidelines developers must follow when creating software interacting with the API.

This can be created using various formats, such as OpenAPI, Swagger, RAML, or API Blueprint. These formats provide a standardized way of documenting APIs, making it easier for developers to understand how to use them and reducing the chances of misunderstandings or errors.

API contracts help ensure that APIs are well-designed, reliable, and easy to use, leading to better software and a more positive user experience.

Why do we need API contracts?

API contracts are essential for ensuring the reliable and efficient operation of software applications that depend on APIs. API contracts also provide a standard and structured approach to designing, implementing, and using APIs, which helps to ensure that they are effective, efficient, and compatible with other systems and applications. Here are some of the key reasons why we need API contracts:


API contracts provide clear communication between the API provider and the consumer. By establishing a shared understanding of how the API should behave, developers can better understand how to interact and build systems that work well together.


API contracts ensure that APIs are compatible with the systems and applications used. By specifying the inputs and expected outputs, API contracts can ensure that data is transmitted in the correct format and that APIs work as expected.

Good design.

API contracts encourage good design practices by establishing clear guidelines for the API. This can lead to APIs that are easier to use, more efficient, and more effective.


API contracts enable automated testing, which can help catch errors and ensure the API works as intended. By creating tests that verify the behavior of the API, developers can ensure that their code is reliable and meets the contract’s requirements.

Improve Development Efficiency.

API contracts help reduce the time and resources required to develop software applications that depend on APIs. With clear guidelines and requirements, developers can more quickly and efficiently create code interacting with the API.

Reduce Errors and Bugs.

With a well-defined API contract, developers can reduce the chances of errors and bugs occurring in their code. By following the guidelines in the API contracts, developers can ensure that their code properly interacts with the API and that data is exchanged correctly.

Enhance Interoperability.

API contracts promote interoperability by ensuring that software components can seamlessly interact with each other, even if different teams or organizations develop them.

Improve User Experience.

Finally, API contracts can help improve the user experience by ensuring that APIs are reliable, consistent, and easy to use. This, in turn, can help promote user satisfaction and retention.

What Does Contract-First API Development Mean?

Contract-first API development is an approach to building APIs where the API contract is created before the implementation of the API. This approach creates the API contract using a formal description language like OpenAPI, Swagger, or RAML. It specifies the expected behavior of the API, including the data structures, methods, parameters, and responses.

The contract-first approach emphasizes creating well-defined, documented, and testable API contracts before writing any code. This allows developers to fully define the requirements of the API and establish a shared understanding between the API provider and consumer.

Once the API contract is defined, developers can use it to guide the implementation of the API. They can generate code stubs or templates based on the contract, which they can fill in with the actual code. By following the contract, developers can ensure that their code adheres to the agreed-upon standards and specifications, which can help reduce errors and improve the reliability of the API.

The contract-first API development is a best practice that can help ensure the quality and reliability of APIs while also improving collaboration and reducing risks.

The Benefits of an API-First Approach

Improved communication.

By creating an API contract upfront, all stakeholders involved in the development process clearly understand the API’s requirements and behavior. This can reduce misunderstandings and communication errors between development teams, product owners, and other stakeholders.

Better design.

Contract-first API development prioritizes defining the API contract before implementing the API. This allows developers to focus on designing an API that meets the needs of its users rather than simply trying to implement a set of requirements.

Faster development.

With a well-defined API contract, developers can begin coding against the contract immediately, even before the API is fully implemented. This can lead to faster development times and more efficient development processes.

Easier testing.

API contracts can automatically generate tests that ensure the API meets its requirements. This can save development teams significant time and effort when testing the API.

Increased reusability.

Well-designed API contracts can be used across multiple projects and development teams. This can reduce development time and increase consistency across different applications.

Contract-first API development can lead to better-designed APIs that are easier to use, maintain, and test. It can also result in more efficient development processes and faster time-to-market for new applications.

What are the types of API Contracts?

There are several types of API contracts, each with its format and purpose. Here are some of the most common types of API contracts:

  • OpenAPI Specification: The OpenAPI Specification (formerly known as Swagger) is a widely used format for defining RESTful APIs. The OpenAPI Specification uses JSON or YAML files to define the API’s endpoints, data formats, and other requirements.
  • RAML: RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) is another popular format for defining RESTful APIs. RAML uses a simple YAML syntax to describe the API’s endpoints, data types, and other aspects.
  • GraphQL Schema: GraphQL is an alternative to REST that uses a query language to retrieve data from APIs. GraphQL APIs are defined using a GraphQL schema, which defines the types of data that can be queried and the available operations.
  • AsyncAPI: AsyncAPI is a format for defining APIs that use asynchronous messaging patterns, such as publish-subscribe or event-driven architectures. AsyncAPI uses a YAML syntax to define the API’s messages, channels, and other requirements.
  • API Blueprint: API Blueprint is a lightweight format for defining RESTful APIs that uses a Markdown-like syntax to describe the API’s endpoints, data structures, and other aspects.

Each of these API contract formats has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of format will depend on the specific needs of the API and the development team. Regardless of the format used, the key goal of an API contract is to provide a clear and consistent specification for the API that can guide the development and testing of software components that interact with it.

What is the OpenAPI / Swagger contract

OpenAPI, also known as Swagger, is a specification for building APIs. It provides a standard way of defining the structure of RESTful APIs, including the endpoints, methods, parameters, responses, and authentication requirements.

An OpenAPI contract, also known as an OpenAPI specification, is a document that describes the structure of an API in a machine-readable format. It can be used by developers, API consumers, and tools to understand the behavior of an API without needing to inspect its implementation code.

OpenAPI contracts are typically written in JSON or YAML format and include the following elements:

  • Info: Metadata about the API, including its title, version, and description.
  • Paths: The API endpoints, including the HTTP methods, parameters, and responses for each endpoint.
  • Definitions: The data structures used by the API, including request and response body payloads.
  • Security: Authentication and authorization requirements for accessing the API.
  • Tags: A categorization mechanism for grouping related API endpoints.

OpenAPI contracts can generate API documentation, develop client code in multiple programming languages, and validate API responses. They are essential to contract-first API development and can improve communication and collaboration between development teams, product owners, and other stakeholders.

By providing a clear and consistent specification for the API, the OpenAPI contract can ensure that developers on both sides of the API interaction have a shared understanding of the expected behavior of the API. This can reduce errors, improve development efficiency, and promote interoperability between software components that depend on the API.

What is API Contract Design?

API contract design, also known as contract-first API development, is a process of designing and defining the expected behavior of an API before implementing its code. It involves creating a contract, typically in the form of an API specification, that describes the API’s endpoints, methods, parameters, responses, and data structures.

API contract design is an essential part of API development, as it helps ensure that the API meets its intended users’ needs and is reliable, secure, and easy to use. 

API Contract Design Principles

  • Simplicity: An API contract should be simple and easy to understand, with a clear and consistent structure that makes it easy for developers to use.
  • Flexibility: An API contract should be flexible enough to support various use cases and scenarios while providing clear guidance on using the API.
  • Consistency: An API contract should be consistent in its use of language, data formats, and other conventions, making it easy for developers to understand and use.
  • Extensibility: An API contract should be designed with future needs in mind so that it can be extended or modified as new features or requirements arise.
  • Security: An API contract should include clear guidelines on securing the API, including authentication and authorization requirements.

Steps Involved in the API Contract Design Process 

  • Defining the API requirements: This involves identifying the needs of the API’s intended users and defining the API’s functional and non-functional requirements.
  • The API specification involves: creating a contract, usually an OpenAPI specification or a RAML file, describing the API’s structure and expected behavior. The specification should be written in a machine-readable format that can be used to generate API documentation, client code, and server stubs.
  • Reviewing and validating the API specification: This involves reviewing the API specification with the development team, product owners, and other stakeholders to ensure that it meets the API requirements and is consistent with best practices.
  • Implementing: This involves implementing the API code using the API contract as a guide. The implementation should adhere to the API contract to ensure that it behaves as expected and meets the needs of its users.

API contract design helps to improve the quality and usability of APIs by promoting consistency, reducing errors, and facilitating collaboration between development teams and other stakeholders. It also enables automated testing, validation, and documentation of APIs, saving time and effort during the development and maintenance of APIs.

Why Should You Version Your API Contracts?

Versioning your API contracts is an important best practice for API development, helping to ensure compatibility, predictability, documentation, communication, and long-term support for your API and its clients.

The following are some reasons why you should version it:


When you make changes to your API, you risk breaking compatibility with existing client applications. Versioning your API contracts allows you to introduce changes to the API in a controlled manner. It also ensures that existing client applications continue to function correctly.

Facilitating changes and upgrades.

Versioning your API contracts also makes managing changes and upgrades to your API easier. By creating a new version of your API contract, you can introduce new features and functionality without affecting existing clients relying on your API’s previous version.

Improving communication and collaboration.

Versioning your API contracts can also improve communication and collaboration between developers and other stakeholders involved in the API development process by identifying and documenting the changes between different versions of your API contract. And you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands the implications of changes to the API.

Supporting multiple clients and use cases.

Versioning your API contracts can also support multiple clients and use cases. By creating different versions of your API contracts, you can provide different levels of functionality and granularity to different clients or user groups.


By versioning your API contracts, you can provide a clear and predictable upgrade path for your API clients. This makes it easier for them to plan and schedule updates to their software, reducing the risk of disruptions to their business operations.


Versioning your API contracts makes documenting the changes you make to your API over time easier. This helps both API clients and developers understand the API’s evolution and capabilities.

Long-term support.

Versioning your API contracts ensures that you can continue to support legacy client applications, even as you introduce new features and functionality to the API. This can be particularly important for businesses that rely on long-term stability and predictability in their software systems.

Example REST API Contract

Here’s an example of a REST API contract written in the OpenAPI specification:

openapi: 3.0.0
  version: 1.0.0
  title: Example API
  description: This is an example REST API contract.
  - url: https://example.com/api/v1
      summary: Get a list of users
      description: Retrieve a list of users from the database
          description: A list of users
                type: array
                  type: object
                      type: integer
                      type: string
      summary: Add a new user
      description: Add a new user to the database
        description: User object that needs to be added to the database
        required: true
              type: object
                  type: string
                  example: John Smith
          description: User created successfully
                type: object
                    type: integer
                    type: string
                    example: John Smith

This example defines a simple REST API for managing users. It includes two endpoints: one for retrieving a list of users and another for adding a new user. It specifies each endpoint’s HTTP methods, input parameters, response formats, and error handling.

What is an API Contract & Why You Need One Summary

An API contract is a document that defines the rules and requirements for interacting with an API. It specifies the available endpoints, input parameters, response formats, error handling, and other API details. An API contract clearly and concisely defines what the API does and how it can be used.

API contracts are an essential part of API design and development. They can help to ensure that APIs are well-designed, reliable, and maintainable over time.

I recommend you define the contract upfront. This enables all stakeholders to understand what the API is supposed to do and how it should be used. It also helps to improve communication and collaboration among the development team, testers, and other stakeholders.

Remember, API contracts are essential when working with APIs that have multiple clients or third-party developers. With a defined API contract, developers can more easily understand how to integrate with the API and what they can expect regarding functionality and behavior.

In short, An API contract is an essential component of API design and development. It ensures that APIs are well-designed, reliable, and maintainable over time. And it also provides a clear and concise definition of what the API does and how it can be used.

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