5 Clone & Deep Copy Arrays with PHP Code Examples in 2023

How to Clone a Deep Copy Array in PHP Define your original array in PHP as a variable Create a custom PHP function called cloneArray with a single parameter for array Inside the cloneArray function instantiate a new empty array. Create a foreach loop inside of the custom function to iterate the passed array Run an if statement in the loop to determine if the element is an array Call the cloneArray function recursively when the element is an array Assign a new value to the cloned array variable. Return the cloned array from the custom function. Pass in your array to deep clone to the custom cloneArray function to start the process. Clone Arrays using PHP Code Example function cloneArray(array $arr) { $clone = []; foreach($arr as $k => $v) { if(is_array($v)) $clone[$k] = clone_array($v); //If a subarray else if(is_object($v)) $clone[$k] = clone $v; //If an object else $clone[$k]…

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3 Push elements in a multidimensional array PHP code examples

How to push elements in a multidimensional array in php
Push elements in a multidimensional array in PHP PHP arrays are dynamic, meaning that they expand as new values are added. Dynamic arrays are a huge improvement over static arrays with a pre-defined length specified during initialisation. Linear or one-dimensional arrays are fairly easy to understand. Contrary to this,  multidimensional arrays can be tricky. These arrays can include many sub-arrays, and the structure may not be consistent. Similarly, sometimes pushing onto a multidimensional array in PHP is a challenge.  This article focuses on how to push elements in a multidimensional array in PHP. Push elements in a multidimensional array in PHP using loops code example PHP loops are the first thing that comes to mind when dealing with arrays. Here’s a two-dimensional array that includes information about some employees working in a tech firm. $employees_records = [ ['Name' => 'Alex', 'Title' => 'Web Developer (Front-End)'], ['Name' => 'Brian', 'Title' =>…

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How to Sort Array of Objects by Property in PHP

sort array of objects by property in PHP
Sort Array of Objects by Property in PHP The article answers how to sort array of objects by property in PHP. Here's a quick overview of the solution. $employees_arr = [ new Employee('5', 'Brian', 90000, '25'), new Employee('1', 'Allen', 60000, '29'), new Employee('2', 'Kylie', 50000, '27'), new Employee('3', 'Jeane', 80000, '35'), new Employee('4', 'Franklin', 75000, '30'), ]; //Sorts the array by the property salary usort($employees_arr, function($a, $b) { return $a->salary - $b->salary; }); If the code doesn't make sense to you now, don't worry! Just stick with the article to the end, and you'll be able to understand all about the code above and perhaps a couple of other interesting PHP stuff! Plus, the article now includes sorting based on two or more properties. Check that out as well. Relevant Content: PHP usort Function The article uses the usort function to sort array of objects by property value in PHP.…

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Convert PHP multidimensional array to CSV with fputcsv code examples

convert PHP multidimensional array to CSV
How to Convert PHP multidimensional array to CSV This article explores how to convert PHP multidimensional array to CSV. You can skip to the final section if you’re already familiar with reading and writing CSV files in PHP. <?php $employees = [ ['Id', 'Name', 'Age', 'Salary', 'Department'], ['1', 'Anna', '30', 20000, 'Finance'], ['2', 'Adam', '25', 15000, 'IT'], ['3', 'Bob', '32', 25000, 'Finance'], ['4', 'Cara', '20', 12000, 'Logistics'], ['5', 'Daniel', '28', 27000, 'Engineering'], ]; //Creates a new file employee_records.csv $file = fopen('employee_records.csv', 'w'); //w is the flag for write mode. if($file === false) { die('Cannot open the file'); } foreach($employees as $employee) { //Formats the employee record as CSV and writes it out employee_records.csv fputcsv($file, $employee); } //Closes the file. fclose($file); ?> Introduction PHP multidimensional arrays can be complex in structure as they have arrays within. These arrays are typically called “sub-arrays”, which may or may not be consistent in data…

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How to update key value in an associative array PHP

How to update key value in array PHP
Update key value in array PHP This article focuses on how to update key value in array PHP. Though the article includes three approaches, the second approach is the most efficient. Introduction PHP associative arrays are basically hash maps as they include key and value pairs. The keys are unique but mutable. Thus, we can update key value in array PHP, and that’s exactly what this article will focus on. Let’s begin. #1 - Update key value in array PHP using a loop The most obvious approach is using a loop. PHP foreach loop is convenient because it gives us easy access to key and value pairs. The following example will use a foreach loop to change key value in array PHP. <?php $students_score = [ "Alison" => 10, "Liam" => 9, "Jenny" => 8, "Jamie" => 7, "Ron" => 6 ]; function changeName($students_score, $oldName, $newName) { foreach($students_score as $student=>$score)…

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How to split a multidimensional array in PHP

How to split a multidimensional array in PHP
Introduction Arrays can hold many values. Sometimes we may need chunks of a long-running list. A straightforward approach would be looping through an array and making chunks of it based on hard-coded pointers. However, PHP features built-in functions that could save us all this hassle. This article explores the answer to how to split an array in PHP. We will see a couple of helpful PHP functions to help us split a multidimensional array of images. An HTML image generator function will turn these array images into an HTML image element. So let’s dive into the main subject and explore this concept in depth. How to split a multidimensional array in PHP with array_chunk PHP array_chunk splits an array into chunks. Here is its signature. array_chunk(array $array, int $length, bool $preserve_keys = false): array  The length argument determines the size of each chunk, with the last chunk being an exception.…

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How to Use array_chunk with foreach loop with PHP Code Example

array_chunk with foreach loop
PHP array_chunk with foreach loop Code Examples PHP array_chunk function helps partition an array in chunks. The length argument defines the length for the chunks. If the array is not evenly divisible, the last chunk could have less than the specified length.  The article “array_chunk with examples”  explains everything you need to know about this function. Nonetheless, the article includes a recap of the function to set the ground for the rest of the sections. This article features a scorecard use case where we may need array_chunk with foreach loop. Stay with us till the end to get the most out of this article. <?php $names_score = [ "Tyson" => 9, "Jackie" => 10, "Ron" => 15, "Maximillian" => 20, "Sus" => 24, "Ryder" => 25 ]; $names_score_chunks = array_chunk($names_score, 2, true); //Sets the preserve key argument to true. /* OUTPUT [ [ "Tyson" => 9, "Jackie" => 10 ],…

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Echo PHP Array: 10 Code Examples to Print Keys & Values (2023)

How to echo an array in PHP
How to echo an array in PHP There are multiple ways to echo arrays in PHP. Use a foreach loop, implode, print_r, or var_dump functions to display an array's keys & values. I recommend using either var_dump or print_r if you are debugging whereas loops are useful when you need to access the data. This article explains how to echo an array in PHP and includes a section about how we can print out a PHP array. Stick to the article and you will have better insights by the end of this article. Let’s start without any further ado. Echo PHP Arrays with Value PHP Code Examples <?php $fruit = ["apple" => 2, "banana" => 3, "orange" => 7]; // Print an array using var_dump: var_dump($fruit); // Print an array using print_r: print_r($fruit); // Echo array keys using a foreach loop. echo "fruits: "; $i = 1; foreach ($fruit as…

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How to shuffle a multidimensional array in PHP

shuffle a multidimensional array
Shuffle a multidimensional array The shuffle function does not shuffle a multidimensional array. It shuffles the arrays at the topmost level and ignores the nested arrays. The articles explore a workaround for this problem. Shuffle Multidimensional Array Code Snippet // We'll use a recursive function to shuffle // a multidimensional array. It'll continuously dig // deeper into the array to shuffle each element. function shuffle_recursive(&$arr) { shuffle($arr); foreach($arr as &$v) { if(gettype($v) == "array") { shuffle_recursive($v); } } } $sampleArray = ["a" => ["b", "c", "d"], 0 => [1, 2, 3]]; shuffle_recursive($sampleArray); echo $sampleArray; Introduction Arrays are frequently used data structures. It can store multiple values, usually of mixed types depending on implementation. There are loads of array functions for retrieving and manipulating array values. One cool feature is that shuffling or randomizing an array. But why shuffle an array? A use case for shuffling an array could be modeling…

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Search for Multiple Values in PHP Array | 2023 Code Examples

search for multiple values in PHP array
How to search for multiple values in a PHP array Create a variable that includes the array to be searched Create a separate variable that includes all of the values you want to search and find. Set a new variable that will include all of your final results Run the array_intersect function passing the array to be searched as the first parameter and the searching array as the second parameter. Assign the array_intersect results to your final results variable. Verify your results with a print_r or var_dump statement. Remove the print_r statement and continue processing requirements Searching multiple values in a PHP array Code Snippet <?php //An array with random country names. $country_arr = array("USA","Canada","Mexico","Germany","Italy"); //Look for these values and return the intersection. $search_values = ["USA","Canada","France"]; //It would contain the result of the array_filter intersection $intersection_arr = array_intersect($country_arr,$search_values); print_r($intersection_arr); /* OUTPUT Array ( [0] => USA [1] => Canada )…

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