15+ Array of Objects PHP Code Examples | Easy 2023 Tutorial

How to work with an array of objects in PHP code Can you have arrays of objects in PHP Yes, you can definitely create, store, filter, merge and work with an array of objects in PHP. You can decode JSON objects as arrays as well as create array collections of PHP arrays. PHP offers many solutions to work with an array of objects. This article will break down 2 common scenarios when working with arrays of objects in PHP. Visitors come to us many times to ask questions about working with PHP classes and objects as well as JSON objects. Both situations are common but do have unique requirements. Let's first get into PHP classes and objects. Then we will follow it up with Working with PHP Classes and Objects PHP was originally designed as a purely procedural language. Starting in PHP 4 and greatly extending into PHP 5, it…

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2 Initialize Empty Arrays Using PHP Code Examples in 2023

Initialize An Empty Array in PHP Code Example We can initialize an empty array using either the square brackets syntax or array(), as follows. $firstArray = []; $secondArray = array(); The article goes beyond the basics and includes a case study where we use an array to implement an in-memory cache. Curious to know how that works? Stay tuned to learn more. Relevant Content: PHP Arrays Arrays are fundamental data structures, no doubt why they form the basis for many other data structures like stacks and queues. Apparently, a fundamental data structure, arrays can be a super helpful component in competitive programming, complex algorithms, or an actual program. PHP arrays can be categorized as Indexed arrays with numeric keys. Associative arrays with named keys. Multidimensional arrays with sub-arrays. FuelingPHP has an in-depth article on the types of arrays in PHP. Scenario: Retrieving Notifications in a Social Media Application Consider a…

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Create PHP Array of Objects: 5 Code Examples in 2023

How to Create an Array of Objects in PHP There are 2 steps to creating arrays of objects in PHP. You will want first to initialize an empty array. Once complete, you should pass that reference to any object creation function. Create your object and attach it as a new reference to your PHP array. Creating Array of Objects PHP Code Example //Initialize an array. $employees = array(); //Add objects $employees[0] = new Employee("Steve Hans", "111-222-333", "60,000"); $employees[1] = new Employee("Raymond Rize", "112-212-313", "80,000"); $employees[2] = new Employee("Sams Brian", "122-213-713", "70,000"); PHP is both a procedural & object-oriented programming language, and this article overviews the basics. Stay with us till the end to learn more. Relevant Content: Classes & Objects Array of Objects in PHP | Create, Sort, Filter, Merge, Search, Etc How to Sort Array of Objects by Property in PHP How to shuffle an array of objects in…

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How to Filter PHP Associative Arrays with Code Examples in 2023

How to Filter PHP Associative Array Code Example You will want to use the array_filter function on a PHP associative array to filter correctly. Many times, your array may also be multi-dimensional. We recommend creating a unique array filter function using a recursive pattern. Here's a sample code snippet from the article. // Option 1: Using a array_filter function function filterStudentsBySemesterOne($students_data) { return array_filter($students_data, function($v) { return $v["Semester"] > 5; }); } // Option 2: Filter associative arrays using an iterative approach (not recommended) function filterStudentsBySemester($data, $semester) { // Do some logic to determine whether we can return true. $filtered_arr = []; foreach($data as $k => $v) { if( $v["Semester"] > $semester ) { $filtered_arr[$k] = $v; } } return $filtered_arr; } This code is an example of an iterative approach. There are other options as well. Check out the article to see more. Relevant Content - PHP Associative Arrays…

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How to convert XML to Array or Object in PHP

XML to Array in PHP
Code Snippet: XML to Array in PHP The article explores how to convert XML to array or object in PHP. Here’s a snippet from the article. <?php $courses_xml = '&lt;courses> &lt;course> &lt;title>Fundamentals of Programming&lt;/title> &lt;credithours>3 + 1&lt;/credithours> &lt;prerequisites>None&lt;/prerequisites> &lt;/course> &lt;course> &lt;title>Object Oriented Programming&lt;/title> &lt;credithours>3 + 1&lt;/credithours> &lt;prerequisites>Fundamentals of Programming&lt;/prerequisites> &lt;/course> &lt;/courses>'; $xml = simplexml_load_string($courses_xml); $json = json_encode($xml, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $array = json_decode($json, true); ?> That’s just one way of going about this problem. Learn more about this topic in the following sections. Relevant Content: JSON to XML Conversion The article  “How to convert XML to JSON in PHP” sets a solid foundation for XML to array in PHP. We suggest reading that article as this article borrows alot from it. We will see that the existing solution adds only one extra function call to get an array or object, and the rest of the code is similar.  So without any further…

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How to Convert a PHP array to xml

Array to XML in PHP
Code Snippet: Array to XML in PHP This article answers how to convert array to XML in PHP. Here’s a snippet from the article. <?php $students_data = [ "Andy" => ["ID"=>"1001", "Electives"=>["Computer Science", "Calculus"]], "Benjamin" => ["ID"=>"1002", "Elective"=>["Electronics", "Digital Logic Design"]], "Catheline" => ["ID"=>"1003", "Elective"=>["Economics", "Political Science"]], "Dexter" => ["ID"=>"1004", "Elective"=>["Computer Science", "Discrete Mathematics"]], "Eion" => ["ID"=>"1004", "Elective"=>["Computer Science", "Digital Logic Design"]], "Franklin" => ["ID"=>"1005", "Elective"=>["Mathematics", "Physics"]], ]; function arraytoXML($arr, &$xml) { foreach($arr as $key => $value) { if(is_int($key)) { $key = 'Element'.$key; //To avoid numeric tags like <0></0> } if(is_array($value)) { $label = $xml->addChild($key); arrayToXml($value, $label); //Adds nested elements. } else { $xml->addChild($key, $value); } } } $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>&lt;Students>&lt;/Students>'); arraytoXML($students_data, $xml); $xml->asXML('output.xml'); ?> That’s one way of doing the conversion. The article features a third-party package that will make your life a lot easier than reinventing the wheel. Stay till the end to learn more.…

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How to Store a PHP Array in MySQL

Store Array in MySQL PHP
Save a PHP array in mySQL column This article explores how to save PHP arrays in MySQL. MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that allows you to store data in rows and columns. SQL stands for Structured Query Language for manipulating and retrieving data from SQL databases. Know more about MySQL. Before You Read! The article requires you to connect to your MySQL database with PHP, create a table and connect to it in PHP. If you’re not familiar with all these consider learning it from w3schools. Here we just focus on different ways of storing arrays in MySQL PHP. Storing Arrays in a Normalized Table Employees Table You need to create an employee table at your end if you’re trying out the examples in the article. For your convenience, here’s the SQL table creation code for you. CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEES_TABLE ( id INT(6) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,…

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How to Sort a Multidimensional Array by Value?

sort multidimensional array by value
Sort Multidimensional Array by Value Here’s the code from the article using the usort function to sort multidimensional array by value. usort($employeesData, function($a, $b) { return $a["Salary"] - $b["Salary"]; }); //OUTPUT /* [ ["Name" => "Mosh", "Salary" => 120000], ["Name" => "Noah", "Salary" => 220000], ["Name" => "Dany", "Salary" => 320000], ["Name" => "Robert", "Salary" => 330000], ["Name" => "Jenny", "Salary" => 440000], ["Name" => "Kylie", "Salary" => 500000], ] */ That’s one way of sorting a multidimensional array in PHP. Learn more about sorting in this article. An Example of a Multidimensional Array  A multidimensional array could be fairly complex, spanning many dimensions or arrays within arrays. However, let's keep it realistic and simulate data that closely matches a database resultset.  A Database query often returns a multidimensional array of data. For instance, here’s a snippet of a database table having rows for employee names and their annual salaries.…

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How to add elements to a PHP array

add elements to array PHP
Add elements to array PHP Here’s the most straightforward and efficient way to add elements to array PHP. <?php $array = []; $array[] = 'A'; //Pushes A to the array. $array[] = 'B'; //Pushes B to the array. $array[] = 'C'; //Pushes C to the array. //OUTPUT //[A, B, C] ?> The article includes other ways of adding items to an array. Stay tuned until the end to get a broad overview of the subject. Introduction PHP arrays are dynamic meaning that it doesn’t have fixed size but they can be extended in the runtime. This article is all about different ways of adding elements to an array in PHP. So, let's begin without any further ado. #1 - Add elements to array PHP - Square brackets syntax The square bracket syntax is the most common way to add items to an array in PHP. It also saves the overhead…

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Best ways to store PHP arrays to data sources

store php array
How to store PHP array <?php $array = [ "HotelName" => "Shelton Inn", "RoomRate" => "200", "Currency" => "USD", "Amenities" => ["Free Wi-fi","Gym and Spa","Free Parking", "Complimentary buffet"], ]; // Encode array into JSON and store $jsonEncoded = json_encode($array, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); // Serialize array and store $serialize = serialize($array); // Now you can store the formatted array in MySQL or other data storage ?> Stay tuned until the end to learn more about storing PHP arrays. Introduction PHP arrays are fundamental data structures for storing multiple data objects in memory. However, most real-time applications require data persistence which means storing data permanently in a data source - usually a database or a file in more simple applications.  Data storage is the last step, and before that, PHP needs to convert the array to a data exchange format like JSON, CSV, or just text. This article explores some best ways to store…

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