Best Books to Learn PHP Programming in 2023

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Our Recommended Books for PHP Programming

1. Clean Code by Robert Martin

This book was central to me leveling up my programming career. While this book may be older and the examples aren’t in PHP, it should be on the bookshelves of every professional software engineer. It goes beyond the “science” of computer science and dives into the pragmatic practices every software engineer should follow. I highly recommend this book as a foundation for every programming career.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Check it out on Amazon

2. Clean Code in PHP by Alexandre Daubois

This is a newer book and is based on the concepts of the classic mentioned above. It applies the topics mentioned above and helps you build high-quality, testable and READABLE PHP applications. You can buy this book as a companion to the Clean Code above or as a standalone as intro into the clean code theory. It’s a great read for any PHP programmer.

Skill Level: Beginner – Intermediate

Check it out on Amazon

3. PHP Web Development With Laminas

Skill Level: Beginner

4. PHP & MySQL: Server-Side Web Development

Skill Level: Beginner

5. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

Skill Level: Intermediate

Check it out on Amazon

6. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Design

Skill Level: Intermediate

Check it out on Amazon

PHP Fundamentals Article Series

This article is part of our series on learning the fundamentals of PHP web development. If you are stepping into your PHP journey. Check out the articles in this series to get deeper into PHP.

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