PHP Easy or Hard to Learn? Top Web Developers Share in 2023

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Have you wondered whether PHP is an easy or hard programming language to learn?

As a PHP developer with over 20 years of experience, I’ve seen the ups and downs of this popular server-side programming language. In this engaging and informative article, I’ll share my insights, discussing 5 reasons PHP is hard to learn and 5 reasons it’s easy. So, let’s dive into the world of PHP and explore both its challenges and advantages.

is PHP Hard to Learn?

No, PHP is not hard to learn, especially for web development. Its extensive documentation, large user base, and a wide range of available tools and frameworks make it an accessible programming language for beginners. As PHP continues to evolve and improve, its modern features and best practices simplify the learning process further.

But it does have some quirks. Let’s take a look.

Is PHP Easy or Hard to Learn

5 Reasons that Make it Hard

Inconsistent Function Names & Conventions

Learning PHP can be challenging due to its inconsistent function names and conventions, which can make it feel like you’re trying to crack a secret code. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Different naming conventions: PHP functions often use a mix of underscores and camelCase, such as “array_filter()” and “json_encode()”. This inconsistency can make it difficult for beginners to remember function names and their proper usage.
  • Inconsistent parameter order: The order of parameters in PHP functions can sometimes be counterintuitive or inconsistent. For instance, the “strpos()” function takes the haystack (string to search) as the first parameter and the needle (substring to find) as the second parameter, whereas “array_search()” reverses this order, taking the needle first and the haystack second.
  • Mixed usage of return values and references: Some PHP functions return values directly, while others use references to modify variables passed as arguments. For example, “sort()” modifies the input array by reference and returns a boolean value indicating success or failure, while “array_reverse()” returns a new array with the reversed elements.
  • Functions with similar names but different behavior: PHP has several functions that perform similar tasks but have slight differences in their behavior. For instance, “strstr()” and “stristr()” both find the first occurrence of a substring in a string, but “stristr()” is case-insensitive.

Despite these challenges, with practice and experience, you’ll start to recognize patterns and become more comfortable with PHP’s quirks. As you work through examples and real-world projects, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the language and its idiosyncrasies.

Security Issues for Beginners

1.2. Security pitfalls for beginners As a server-side programming language, PHP handles sensitive data and user interactions. Beginners might not be aware of the best practices for securing their PHP applications, such as using prepared statements for database queries to prevent SQL injection attacks. Learning about proper security measures is crucial as you progress in your PHP journey.

Outdated Tutorials and Resources

Finding up-to-date resources for learning PHP is essential but can be challenging. Outdated tutorials might still teach deprecated practices, like using the old “mysql_*” functions instead of the modern “PDO” or “mysqli” extensions. Make sure you find current materials that cover modern PHP practices and follow the PHP manual and official documentation.

PHP’s Bad Reputation Discouraging New Adopters

PHP has faced criticism in the past, and its bad reputation can be discouraging for newcomers to the language. However, it’s essential to remember that PHP has evolved significantly over the years and is now a mature and powerful language used in many successful web applications, such as Facebook and Wikipedia.

Here are some key reasons behind PHP’s bad reputation, compared to other programming languages

  • Inconsistent language design
  • Security concerns
  • Poor coding practices
  • Outdated resources:.
  • Misconceptions about performance

Adapting to the Evolving PHP Ecosystem

Keeping up with the ever-evolving PHP ecosystem can be challenging but rewarding. As PHP continues to develop and mature, it introduces performance improvements, new features, and more streamlined coding practices. Here are some key aspects to consider when adapting to the evolving PHP ecosystem:

  • Major version updates: Significant changes often accompany major version releases, such as the release of PHP 7, which introduced considerable performance improvements and new features like the null coalescing operator (??) and the spaceship operator (<=>). It’s essential to stay up-to-date with these major version changes to take advantage of the latest improvements and maintain compatibility with modern PHP projects.
  • New language features: As PHP programming evolves, it continues to add new language features that can simplify and streamline your code. For example, PHP 8 introduced named arguments, the match expression, and the nullsafe operator (?->). Familiarizing yourself with these new PHP code features and incorporating them into your code can make your programs more efficient and easier to read.
  • Evolving frameworks and libraries: PHP’s rich ecosystem of object oriented programming frameworks and libraries is constantly evolving, with new options emerging and existing ones receiving updates. Staying current with popular frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and Zend, as well as essential libraries like Guzzle and Doctrine, is crucial for mastering the language and building modern, scalable applications.
  • Best practices and coding standards: As the PHP community grows and learns, it continually refines and establishes new best practices and coding standards, such as the PHP Standard Recommendations (PSRs) from PHP-FIG. Adhering to these standards can help ensure that your code is consistent, maintainable, and interoperable with other PHP projects.

is PHP Easy to Learn?

Simple and readable syntax

One of the reasons PHP is popular among beginners is its simple and readable syntax. For instance, writing a “Hello, World!” script in PHP requires just three lines:

<?php echo "Hello, World!"; ?>

An abundance of online resources and courses

Nowadays, there’s a wealth of online resources and courses to help you learn PHP. From free tutorials, like W3Schools and, to paid courses on platforms like Udemy and Coursera, there’s no shortage of information to help you along your PHP journey.

Extensive documentation and helpful community

The PHP manual is an excellent resource for learning PHP, and the community surrounding PHP is welcoming and helpful. Don’t be afraid to reach out to fellow developers on forums like Stack Overflow and Reddit, where you can ask questions or seek advice.

Widespread use in web development

PHP is one of the most widely used programming languages for web development, powering popular platforms like WordPress and frameworks like Laravel. This widespread use means there are numerous job opportunities and a high demand for PHP developers, making PHP an attractive language to learn.

User-friendly frameworks and tools

Modern PHP frameworks like Laravel and Symfony simplify the development process by providing pre-built components and tools for common tasks. For example, Laravel includes built-in functionality for authentication, routing, and caching, making it easier to learn and apply PHP concepts in real-world projects.

Frequently Asked Questions on Learning the PHP programming language

Can I learn PHP in 3 months?

You can learn PHP code in 3 months but you will just be getting started. It is easy to pick up and learn enough to work on easy projects, but it will take years to become a PHP expert. It is important to pick up good PHP development fundamentals such as object oriented programming.

Learning PHP in 3 months is achievable, but the speed at which you learn depends on factors like your background in programming, dedication, and the resources you use.

My advice for beginners is to immerse yourself in the PHP community, consume as much material as possible, and work on real projects. Engaging in open-source projects on GitHub and creating your projects, even just for fun, can help solidify your understanding of PHP.

How long does it take to learn PHP?

You can start to learn PHP in as little as 3 months but it can take years to master just like any other skill. It also varies depending on your goals and background. If you’re just looking to learn the basics, you might be able to do so in a few weeks or months. PHP is an easy programming language.

However, mastering advanced concepts and becoming proficient in PHP can take longer.

My journey with PHP began as a self-taught programmer, learning PHP as my first real programming language. I learned it over other coding languages because it was simply the first one I came across in the real world.

It took me some time to understand software engineering fundamentals, but as I learned other programming languages, my skills in PHP improved as well. Remember that learning any programming language is an ongoing process, and it’s crucial to continually refine your skills and knowledge.

Is PHP Easier than Javascript to learn?

PHP and JavaScript are both widely used in web development, but they serve different purposes. PHP is a server-side programming language, while JavaScript started as a browser scripting language.

The syntax for both languages is relatively straightforward, but your background and personal preferences will influence which one feels is easier to learn.

n my experience, I found PHP easier to learn, primarily because it was the first programming language I learned. However, your experience may be different, so it’s essential to explore both languages and see which one resonates with you.

Is PHP easier than Python to learn?

PHP and Python are both versatile programming languages with unique strengths. PHP is primarily used for web development, while Python has applications in web development, data science, and more. Python is known for its clean and readable syntax, often considered more beginner-friendly. However, PHP also has a relatively simple syntax and abundant learning resources.

My personal experience learning PHP and Python was different due to my background in PHP. I found PHP easier because I was already familiar with its syntax and use cases. However, Python is known for its beginner-friendly nature, so your experience might be different.

Will PHP Coding be in Demand in the Future?

Despite periodic claims that PHP is dying, the language remains in high demand for web development. PHP powers many large applications and frameworks, and its extensive online resources and community support make it a popular choice for developers.

As the web continues to grow and evolve, PHP will likely adapt and introduce new features to meet the changing demands. The recent releases of PHP 7 and 8 have shown that the language can continue to improve performance and functionality. By staying current with PHP developments and participating in the community, developers can contribute to the language’s future success.

How can I practice and improve my PHP skills

Staying up to date with PHP makes it one of the easiest programming languages compared to other languages. Practicing and improving your PHP skills involves a combination of active learning, project-based experience, and participation in the PHP community. Some methods to hone your skills include:

  • Working on personal projects or contributing to open-source projects
  • Reading and understanding others’ code
  • Participating in coding challenges and hackathons
  • Joining PHP meetups or conferences
  • Regularly reading PHP-related blogs and forums

In my PHP journey, I’ve found that working on real-world projects and collaborating with others significantly improved my skills. By engaging with the PHP community, I’ve gained valuable insights and learned from the experiences of other developers. Continuous learning and practice have been key to my growth as a PHP developer.

PHP programming is Easy to Learn

PHP is a powerful and versatile server-side programming language, with both challenges and advantages for learners. It has evolved beyond just an web scripting language into a robust tool for web application development & web design.

By understanding the obstacles and leveraging the abundant amount of online resources available, you can succeed in your journey to develop websites and applications. Embrace the process of learning the open source coding language, enroll in some PHP courses, and network with other PHP programmers.

Remember that patience and persistence will eventually lead to mastery and confidence.

PHP Fundamentals Article Series

This article is part of our series on learning the fundamentals of PHP web development. If you are stepping into your PHP journey. Check out the articles in this series to get deeper into PHP.

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