Upload & Save CSV Files Using PHP Code Example in 2023

How to Upload & Save a CSV File in PHP Confirm PHP.ini settings Create HTML form on the front-end Create a file input button on the front-end Create a PHP backend script to process the CSV file upload Write a PHP function to fetch the file data from the TMP folder Move the file data to the permanent storage location and save the location Add an entry into to your database and save the reference ID Respond with your file reference location and a 200 response to the user's web browser. Code to Upload a CSV file in PHP Code Example We can use a PHP script with an HTML form to upload a CSV file to the server. When we upload a file, it initially uploads into a temporary directory and is then relocated to the target location by a PHP script. Here’s the code for file upload in…

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Validate Dates in PHP like a Pro With Code Examples in 2023

Validate a Date Format with PHP Code Examples Here is a featured example that shows how to validate a date in PHP using DateTime methods. function validateDateWithFormat($date, $format = 'd-m-Y') { $d = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date); $errors = DateTime::getLastErrors(); return $d && empty($errors['warning_count']) && $d->format($format) == $date; } $first_date = "09-09-2022"; //Expect true beacuse the date and the format is correct. a $second_date = "09/09/2022"; //Expect false beacuse the date is correct but the format is incorrect. $third_date = "31-09-2022"; //Expect false beacuse the format is correct but the date is incorrect. echo validateDateWithFormat($first_date) ? "{$first_date} is correct" : "{$first_date} is incorrect"; echo validateDateWithFormat($second_date) ? "{$second_date} is correct" : "{$second_date} is incorrect"; echo validateDateWithFormat($third_date) ? "{$third_date} is correct" : "{$third_date} is incorrect"; /* OUTPUT 09-09-2022 is correct 09/09/2022 is incorrect 31-09-2022 is incorrect */ This example may not make sense if you’re unfamiliar with DateTime methods. No worries, because this article…

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Using in_array vs array_search: 3 PHP Code Examples (2023)

in_array and arraysearch
PHP in_array and array_search are two functions that seem to have a common function, that is, to search an array for a value. However, they do this function in different ways, and they have different return types. We have already seen the array_search in-depth. We recommend you to go through that article to have some insights about the function. In a nutshell, the array_search looks for a value in a PHP array and returns the corresponding key. In comparison, the in_array function looks for a value and returns true if it exists. This article compares the two functions and highlights the difference between in_array and array_search. What is the difference between in_array and array_search? This section gives a review of the two functions and elaborates the differences between in_array and array_search. After the reviews and examples, you would clearly understand the difference between these PHP functions and be more aware…

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Search for Multiple Values in PHP Array | 2023 Code Examples

search for multiple values in PHP array
How to search for multiple values in a PHP array Create a variable that includes the array to be searched Create a separate variable that includes all of the values you want to search and find. Set a new variable that will include all of your final results Run the array_intersect function passing the array to be searched as the first parameter and the searching array as the second parameter. Assign the array_intersect results to your final results variable. Verify your results with a print_r or var_dump statement. Remove the print_r statement and continue processing requirements Searching multiple values in a PHP array Code Snippet <?php //An array with random country names. $country_arr = array("USA","Canada","Mexico","Germany","Italy"); //Look for these values and return the intersection. $search_values = ["USA","Canada","France"]; //It would contain the result of the array_filter intersection $intersection_arr = array_intersect($country_arr,$search_values); print_r($intersection_arr); /* OUTPUT Array ( [0] => USA [1] => Canada )…

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