Filter Array of Objects by Key: 5 PHP Code Examples (2023)

filter array of objects by key in PHP
Filter Array of Objects PHP Code Example The following code snippet is a quick way to filter array of objects by key using the array_filter function. We recommend using the method for most array filtering use cases. Feel free to use this snippet and then follow along for more explanation. <?php // Dummy data just to populate function. // I'm creating a json string as its an efficient way to create an array of objects. // You can ignore this part and replace $objectsArray with your array. $content = '[{"type": "cat", "name": "charles"}, {"type": "dog", "name": "sam"}}, {"type": "donkey": "name": "frank"}]'; $objectsArray = json_decode($content); //Array_filter to filter objects with cat as type // This is where the work is done. $filtered_arr = array_filter( $objectsArray, function($key){ return $key === 0; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); //Gets the filtered array. print_r($filtered_arr); /* OUTPUT Array ( [0] => stdClass ( [name] => charles [type] => cat…

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How to search for integers in associative array PHP

search for integers in associative array
Associative arrays in PHP are versatile in the sense that they can store mixed data types as keys and values. Now if we have to filter out keys or values based on their data types, we have to search through the array to filter it. In this article, we’ll see a couple of options to search for integers in associative array PHP. So, let’s head straight to the topic. Option#1 - Search for integers in associative array using foreach loop Using a foreach loop is the first thing that comes to mind when we have an array to loop through. Here we’ll see how to use the foreach loop to search integer keys and values. Search for integer values in associative array using foreach loop In this example, we’ll use a foreach loop to iterate over an array and filter out integer values. <?php $arr = array( 0 => "Susan",…

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