Read JSON Files with PHP: 5 Code Examples (best in 2023)

JSON data can be accessed and utilized with many programming languages. In this article, we will learn how to read a JSON file in PHP. We will discuss all the methods used to read a JSON file, convert JSON objects into an array, and display it in PHP. Let’s first learn about what JSON is.  Read a JSON file with a PHP code example <?php // Reads the JSON file. $json = file_get_contents('./test_data.json'); // Decodes the JSON file. $json_data = json_decode($json,true); // Display the JSON data. print_r($json_data); ?> Table of Contents What is JSON? Encode JSON Data in PHP. Decode JSON Data in PHP. Read a JSON File using the file_get_contents() Function in PHP. Read JSON Files with PHP Code Examples Explored. What is JSON? JSON stands for JavaScript object notation. The JSON data is written as name/value pairs, and it is basically a lightweight data-interchange format that is very…

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POST cURL Body from File: PHP Code Examples ( JSON, CSV )

Steps to POST cURL request with a body from a File in PHP Sending a CURL request with body from file in PHP requires a few steps. You need to retrieve the content from your files, setup your curl request with curl_init, and include the CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to the body content before executing with curl_exec. Initialize your cURL request with curl_init Open up your file content with file_get_contents Convert the file contents to a PHP array if not already. Setup your cURL Request Options array. Set CURLOPT_POST to true in options Set CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to your PHP array from above Pass the options array to curl_setopt_array Send the cURL request with curl_exec Close the cURL request with curl_close Verify and validate response Continue processing. Post cURL Body from File in PHP Code Example <?php //Initialise the cURL var $curl = curl_init(); //Create a POST array with the file in it $fileData =…

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How to Return an XML response PHP Code Examples: SimpleXML

How to Return XML Response in PHP Code Example There are 2 options you can use to return an XML response in PHP. First, you want to make sure that you set appropriate headers. Secondly, you can use the file_get_contents function or the SimpleXML PHP class. We recommend the SimpleXML class when possible. Sample XML Response in PHP Code Snippet header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); if(file_exists('courses.xml')) { $courses = file_get_contents('courses.xml'); echo $courses; } else { echo "&lt;?xml version=\"1.0\"?>&lt;Error>404 - File not found!&lt;/Error>"; } There are 2 keys to returning XML responses in PHP. First, you need to have a valid XML string. Secondly, you need to make sure that you have the proper headers set. It is the headers that tell your response client (browser, API, etc) that they should expect XML data. Relevant Content: HTTP Server - Request & Response In a client-server architecture, a client sends a request…

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Recursive Loop Multidimensional JSON Arrays in PHP | GeoJSON

json array with PHP
How to Iterate JSON Arrays in PHP Using a Recursive Function with GeoJSON Load and set your GeoJSON content into a PHP variable Use json_decode to convert the JSON content into a php multidimensional array Create a custom recursive function to iterate the JSON content Run a while loop inside the custom function and call itself when it has children Run a foreach loop on your root array from your geojson content Create a new RecursiveArrayIterator class inside the loop Call your custom recursive function and pass in your RecursiveArrayIterator class Continue working and processing your GeoJSON array PHP Code Example: Loop Through a Multidimensional JSON Array using recursion and a foreach loop with GeoJSON //Fetches the GeoJSON array. $geojson = file_get_contents("sampleGeoJSON.json",false); //Converts GeoJSON into an associative array. $geojson_array = json_decode($geojson,true); //A recursive function to traverse the GeoJSON array. function traverseGeoJSON($iterator) { //If there is a property left. while (…

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