Compare Dates in PHP Like a Pro With 2023 Code Examples

How to Compare Dates in PHP Code Example There are multiple ways to compare dates in PHP depending on your scenario. You can use object-oriented DateTime object or various procedural functions like date_interval_format and date_create inside a custom function. $today = new DateTime("2022-9-6"); $yesterday = new DateTime("2022-9-5"); if($today > $yesterday) echo $today->format("Y-m-d").' is ahead of '.$yesterday->format("Y-m-d"); else echo $today->format("Y-m-d").' is behind '.$yesterday->format("Y-m-d"); //Output //2022-9-6 is ahead of 2022-9-5 That's not the only option as the article covers many different options for PHP date comparison. Stay tuned till the end to learn more. What is the PHP DateTime Object The DateTime class includes many methods that help work with dates and times. This article contains sections on the object-oriented approach for comparison of dates in PHP, where the examples initialize DateTime objects and call instance methods. To have a solid foundation for using the DateTime class, consider reading PHP DateTime.  Procedural…

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