15+ Array of Objects PHP Code Examples | Easy 2023 Tutorial

How to work with an array of objects in PHP code Can you have arrays of objects in PHP Yes, you can definitely create, store, filter, merge and work with an array of objects in PHP. You can decode JSON objects as arrays as well as create array collections of PHP arrays. PHP offers many solutions to work with an array of objects. This article will break down 2 common scenarios when working with arrays of objects in PHP. Visitors come to us many times to ask questions about working with PHP classes and objects as well as JSON objects. Both situations are common but do have unique requirements. Let's first get into PHP classes and objects. Then we will follow it up with Working with PHP Classes and Objects PHP was originally designed as a purely procedural language. Starting in PHP 4 and greatly extending into PHP 5, it…

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How to add elements to a PHP array

add elements to array PHP
Add elements to array PHP Here’s the most straightforward and efficient way to add elements to array PHP. <?php $array = []; $array[] = 'A'; //Pushes A to the array. $array[] = 'B'; //Pushes B to the array. $array[] = 'C'; //Pushes C to the array. //OUTPUT //[A, B, C] ?> The article includes other ways of adding items to an array. Stay tuned until the end to get a broad overview of the subject. Introduction PHP arrays are dynamic meaning that it doesn’t have fixed size but they can be extended in the runtime. This article is all about different ways of adding elements to an array in PHP. So, let's begin without any further ado. #1 - Add elements to array PHP - Square brackets syntax The square bracket syntax is the most common way to add items to an array in PHP. It also saves the overhead…

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5 Clone & Deep Copy Arrays with PHP Code Examples in 2023

How to Clone a Deep Copy Array in PHP Define your original array in PHP as a variable Create a custom PHP function called cloneArray with a single parameter for array Inside the cloneArray function instantiate a new empty array. Create a foreach loop inside of the custom function to iterate the passed array Run an if statement in the loop to determine if the element is an array Call the cloneArray function recursively when the element is an array Assign a new value to the cloned array variable. Return the cloned array from the custom function. Pass in your array to deep clone to the custom cloneArray function to start the process. Clone Arrays using PHP Code Example function cloneArray(array $arr) { $clone = []; foreach($arr as $k => $v) { if(is_array($v)) $clone[$k] = clone_array($v); //If a subarray else if(is_object($v)) $clone[$k] = clone $v; //If an object else $clone[$k]…

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How do you push multiple items to array PHP

push multiple items to array PHP
Push multiple items to array PHP PHP arrays are dynamic, thus extendable at run time. It means that you can push multiple items to array PHP, and it won’t bother you with exceptions like a static array would in Java or C++. PHP array_push function is super helpful in pushing into an array though iteration also works. This article includes examples of pushing multiple items to an array. The first example uses a loop, followed by other examples of using array_push and array_merge. So, let’s just get to the examples now. Push multiple items to array PHP with loop We have an array of numbers from six to ten, and we need to push these to an array that already has numbers from one to five. The following example adds items iteratively to an array in PHP. <?php $numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; $some_more_numbers = [6, 7, 8,…

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How to append one array to another array in PHP

append array in PHP
Append arrays in PHP There are many ways to append an array in PHP, and this article explores some of these options. Introduction Arrays in PHP are mutable meaning that you can add, remove and modify them in any way you want. You can add an element, or arrays to the end of an array, which we term as appending to arrays. This article explores how to append one array to another array in PHP. There are many options to explore so let’s cut the crap and jump straight to them. #1 - Append array in PHP using array_merge PHP array_merge function merges two or more arrays. This function is simplistic with a straightforward merging policy. After merging, it reindexes numeric arrays. However, in the case of similar string keys, it assigns the latest occurring value. The following example clarifies these caveats and demonstrates how to append to array PHP.…

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Merge two JSON objects using PHP: 3 Code Examples (2023)

merge two JSON objects in PHP
Learn How to Merge two JSON Objects in PHP There are three steps to merge two JSON objects with PHP. First, use the json_decode function to convert to PHP array. Second, use the array_merge function to merge them. Finally, use the json_encode function to convert them back to JSON. Steps to Merging JSON Data in PHP convert to PHP array: json_decode merge PHP arrays: array_merge convert back to JSON: json_encode What is JSON Javascript Object Notation (JSON) is a text-based representation of structured data and a lightweight data exchange format. Various APIs provide JSON data, and developers have to parse that JSON at their end. JSON has become a communication source between the client and the server. Developers write functions to consume JSON data correctly in their applications. PHP has some useful functions for dealing with JSON. We will use these function to merge multiple JSON objects. Instead of jumping…

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array_combine vs array_merge: 5 PHP Code Examples

Difference between array_combine and array_merge
We have already seen array_combine and array_merge functions. While the function names suggest a similarity between the functions, both differ. In this article, we are going to explore the difference between array_combine and array_merge in PHP. Before diving straight into the topic, we suggest going through the posts for these functions. PHP array_combine; How to use with examples in PHP PHP array_merge : How to use with examples in PHP To understand the difference, we will review these functions. The reviews will describe the functions precisely, and you will understand how these functions differ. So, let’s get into the main stuff. What is the difference between array_combine and array_merge in PHP? As we have mentioned already, we will review these functions here. The reviews will serve as a refresher on the topic and be helpful to elaborate on the array_merge and array_combine difference in PHP. Difference between array_combine and array_merge:…

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array_merge vs array_merge_recursive: PHP Code Examples

Difference between array_merge and array_merge_recursive
We have already seen the functions array_merge and array_merge_recursive. As their names suggest, they help merge arrays in PHP. However, it is necessary to understand the core differences in these functions. This understanding will help you use the correct function in the correct place. In this article, we will explore the difference between array_merge and array_merge_recursive in PHP. Before that, we will recommend you to get yourself familiarised with these functions. Here are the links to the articles we have done for you. PHP array_merge : How to use with examples in PHP PHP array_merge_recursive: How to use with examples in PHP Once you’re done, we are good to go. What is the difference between array_merge and array_merge_recursive? As we have mentioned already, these functions merge PHP arrays. Then what’s the difference? The difference lies in their dealing with similar string keys. PHP array_merge and array_merge_recursive distinctively behave when they…

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Merge 2+ PHP arrays with the Same Keys | 2023 Code Examples

merge 2 arrays with same keys PHP
Learn how to merge 2 arrays with the same keys using PHP We have seen various functions for merging PHP arrays. In this article, we will see how to merge two arrays with same keys PHP. Every function has a different mechanism when it comes to similar keys. Some functions overwrite the values, while others retain the values. We will explore different options. However, reading about the functions we will eventually be using here is recommended. array_merge in PHP array_merge recursive in PHP array_combine in PHP As we have mentioned already, every function deals with similar keys differently. There’s also a distinction between integer keys and string keys. So, let’s see these functions and understand the related quirks.  Quick note: we also have articles on combining multiple PHP strings together. They dig into returning a single PHP string from multiple PHP array elements. Click here to learn how to combine…

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