Upload & Save CSV Files Using PHP Code Example in 2023

How to Upload & Save a CSV File in PHP Confirm PHP.ini settings Create HTML form on the front-end Create a file input button on the front-end Create a PHP backend script to process the CSV file upload Write a PHP function to fetch the file data from the TMP folder Move the file data to the permanent storage location and save the location Add an entry into to your database and save the reference ID Respond with your file reference location and a 200 response to the user's web browser. Code to Upload a CSV file in PHP Code Example We can use a PHP script with an HTML form to upload a CSV file to the server. When we upload a file, it initially uploads into a temporary directory and is then relocated to the target location by a PHP script. Here’s the code for file upload in…

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How to update key value in an associative array PHP

How to update key value in array PHP
Update key value in array PHP This article focuses on how to update key value in array PHP. Though the article includes three approaches, the second approach is the most efficient. Introduction PHP associative arrays are basically hash maps as they include key and value pairs. The keys are unique but mutable. Thus, we can update key value in array PHP, and that’s exactly what this article will focus on. Let’s begin. #1 - Update key value in array PHP using a loop The most obvious approach is using a loop. PHP foreach loop is convenient because it gives us easy access to key and value pairs. The following example will use a foreach loop to change key value in array PHP. <?php $students_score = [ "Alison" => 10, "Liam" => 9, "Jenny" => 8, "Jamie" => 7, "Ron" => 6 ]; function changeName($students_score, $oldName, $newName) { foreach($students_score as $student=>$score)…

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Find Array Keys with array_key_exists: 3 PHP Code Examples

array php
Find a key in an array PHP An array in PHP keeps “KEY/VALUE” pairs, realizes the generic hash map. PHP features a variety of functions to work with the keys and values in a PHP array. There are functions for sorting, splitting, adding, removing values, and many other array functions. Similarly, there are functions for searching keys or values in an array. This article explores several options for finding a key in an array in PHP. Stick to the article till the end to learn these options and pick the one that fits well in your code. Let’s dive straight into the options for finding a key in a PHP array. #1 - Find a key in an array PHP using the foreach loop A foreach loop iterates over the array and references the key and the value. That’s why we can leverage it to find a key in an…

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