DevOps Delivering ROI

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How’s your DevOps and pipeline game? Could it be better?

Join one of our free monthly live stream roundtables where we discuss all things DevOps. We hop into Youtube for 30-45 mins to connect and go over the latest industry insights into optimizing build times, decreasing costs, reducing errors, and making a better experience for developers, managers, customers, and business stakeholders.

Who Should Attend: More than Engineers

  • Engineering Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Business Stakeholders
  • Release Managers
  • Engineers
  • QA & Testing
ROI-Focused. Not Implementation.

This is not a technical stream on how to build a pipeline. A good DevOps culture benefits the entire organization. DevOps sits at the intersection between engineering, product, IT, and business. These livestreams are focused on the business and ROI opportunities established within good DevOps cultures.

  • Schedule: Quarterly
  • Cost: FREE
  • Who’s invited: Entire team
  • Business size: $1-$50 Million ARR

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