PHP & AWS S3: Store and Retrieve Data to the Cloud Tutorial

I love using S3 to help me scale any PHP application. I recommend switching to S3 to store and retrieve your data to the cloud as one of the first steps as you begin to scale your application. Check out this article as I help walk you through the entire process. Steps to Store and Retrieve Data to the Cloud in PHP with AWS S3 Create an Amazon Web Service Account (AWS). Create an S3 Bucket via IaaC, CLI, or PHP Install AWS SDK for PHP. Upload your data to S3 using the putObject function from the AWS SDK for PHP. List all the file contents of your S3 Bucket using the listObjects function from AWS SDK. Download your data from S3 using the getObject function from the PHP AWS SDK. Store and Retrieve Data to the Cloud Code Snippet Here are all the functions accumulated from this article for…

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Upload & Save Image Files Using PHP Code Example in 2023

How to Upload and Save an Image File with PHP Confirm your PHP.ini settings are correct. Create an HTML form to upload the image file Add the file input element and a submit button in the form. The image is added to PHP's TMP storage location on submission. Create a PHP script to transfer the image to your final destination. Update your database with the storage location using PHP code Return a 200 response back to the browser with the file reference. PHP Code to Upload an Image File & Save it to Server We can use a PHP script with an HTML form to upload files to the server. When we upload a file, it initially uploads into a temporary directory and is then relocated to the target location by a PHP script. Here’s the simple php image upload script. <?php //If form submits successfully. if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST"){ //…

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Get File Creation & Modification Date With PHP Code Examples

Get File Creation, Modification, and Access Date PHP Code Example Here’s a featured example of how to get file dates in PHP.  $file_stats = stat('my-file.txt'); if(!$file_stats) { echo 'Failed get file information'; } else { echo 'The file was created on: '.date('d-m-Y h:m:i A',$file_stats["ctime"]).PHP_EOL; //Equivalent of filectime() echo 'The file was last modified on: '.date('d-m-Y h:m:i A',$file_stats["mtime"]).PHP_EOL; //Equivalent of filemtime() echo 'The file was last accessed on: '.date('d-m-Y h:m:i A',$file_stats["atime"]).PHP_EOL; //Equivalent of fileatime() } /* OUTPUT The file was created on: 13-09-2022 08:09:23 PM The file was last modified on: 13-09-2022 09:09:35 PM The file was last accessed on: 13-09-2022 09:09:36 PM */ Why are file dates significant? The article tries to answer this question, so stay tuned if you’re curious about it. Relevant Content: PHP File System Functions PHP has a huge library of FileSystem functions for various use cases involving files. You can get file creation, modification and…

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