Upload & Save Image Files Using PHP Code Example in 2023

How to Upload and Save an Image File with PHP Confirm your PHP.ini settings are correct. Create an HTML form to upload the image file Add the file input element and a submit button in the form. The image is added to PHP's TMP storage location on submission. Create a PHP script to transfer the image to your final destination. Update your database with the storage location using PHP code Return a 200 response back to the browser with the file reference. PHP Code to Upload an Image File & Save it to Server We can use a PHP script with an HTML form to upload files to the server. When we upload a file, it initially uploads into a temporary directory and is then relocated to the target location by a PHP script. Here’s the simple php image upload script. <?php //If form submits successfully. if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST"){ //…

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How to Delete a File in PHP if it Exists with Code Examples in 2023

Delete a File in PHP
Delete a File in PHP if it Exists Code Example This article explains how to delete a file in PHP if it exists. It features the PHP unlink function for deleting an existing file in PHP. <?php $filename = 'virtual.txt'; if(file_exists($filename)) { $status = unlink($filename) ? 'The file '.$filename.' has been deleted' : 'Error deleting '.$filename; echo $status; } else { echo 'The file '.$filename.' doesnot exist'; } //Output //The file virtual.txt doesnot exist ?> If you’re not familiar with file operations in PHP, check out how to read and write files in PHP. This article focuses on delete file PHP. Let’s jump straight to the subject.  Delete a File in PHP - A Graphical Overview The program for deleting a file in PHP is quite straightforward. PHP function unlink helps is removing a file. It expects a string argument as the file path. The function returns true on success…

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