Create PHP UUIDS: 3 Best Options with Code Examples (2023)

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UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) are essential for creating unique identifiers in PHP applications. They help you manage unique resources, database records, and communication between systems. Let’s learn how to create UUID in PHP.

In this article, we will compare various methods of generating UUIDs in PHP, including code examples, to help you choose the best approach for your project.

Comparison Table for Creating UUIDs in PHP Options

Security & Uniqueness
Ease of Implementation
PHP Built-in FunctionsModerateModerate
EasyNoneEasy to implement, no dependenciesLimited versatility, less compliant, less secure
ramsey/uuid PackageHighHighHigh
External LibraryCompliant, secure, versatileRequires external library, additional dependencies
Custom UUID Generation FunctionCustomizableCustomizable
VariesNone (if applicable)Tailored to project requirements, full controlTime-consuming, requires testing, may be less compliant

Article Highlights

  1. UUIDs in PHP applications: UUIDs are essential for unique identification in various applications, such as database management, API communication, and tracking user activities.
  2. PHP built-in functions: Functions like uniqid(), random_bytes(), and bin2hex() provide a quick and easy way to generate unique identifiers without external libraries but may not produce fully standard-compliant UUIDs.
  3. ramsey/uuid package: A popular library for generating fully compliant UUIDs with multiple versions, ensuring better uniqueness, randomness, and security. However, it requires an external library and additional dependencies.
  4. Custom UUID generation function: Offers flexibility and control over the UUID generation process, addressing specific project requirements and constraints. It requires additional effort to ensure UUID compliance, security, and uniqueness.
  5. Choosing the best method: Select the appropriate UUID generation method based on your project’s specific needs, considering factors such as project size, UUID compliance, security, and versatility requirements.

Table of Contents

In this article, we will discuss the following topics.

  1. A Brief Explanation of UUIDs.
  2. The Importance of UUIDs in PHP Applications.
  3. An Overview of UUID generation options in PHP.
  4. Option 1: PHP built-in functions for generating UUIDs.
  5. Option 2: Using the ramsey/uuid package.
  6. Option 3: Generating UUIDs with a custom function.
  7. Creating UUIDs in PHP: Options compared with code Examples Summary.

A Brief Explanation of UUIDs

UUIDs, or Universally Unique Identifiers, are a standardized way to generate unique identifiers for resources, objects, and entities across distributed systems. They consist of 128-bit numbers, which, when represented as a string, are usually formatted as 32 hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens into five groups: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The M and N represent the UUID version and variant, respectively.

The 128-bit number space of UUIDs allows for generating an enormous number of unique identifiers (approximately 3.4 × 10^38). This vast number space, combined with the randomness and uniqueness of UUIDs, makes the probability of generating duplicate UUIDs extremely low, even when generating millions of UUIDs per second.

UUIDs can be generated in different versions, each catering to specific use cases and requirements:

  • Version 1 (time-based): These UUIDs are based on the current time and the generating system’s MAC address. They ensure uniqueness across time and space.
  • Version 2 (DCE security): Similar to version 1, these UUIDs incorporate the current time, MAC address, and additional security features. They are used in specific distributed computing environments.
  • Version 3 (name-based, MD5): These UUIDs are generated using a cryptographic hash (MD5) of a name and a namespace. They are deterministic, meaning the same input will always produce the same UUID.
  • Version 4 (random): These UUIDs are generated randomly, providing a high degree of uniqueness and randomness with a very low probability of collisions.
  • Version 5 (name-based, SHA-1): Similar to version 3, these UUIDs use a cryptographic hash (SHA-1) of a name and a namespace. They are also deterministic and offer better security than version 3.

UUIDs are widely adopted across various platforms, languages, and systems, providing a consistent and interoperable approach to unique identifier generation. In PHP applications, UUIDs can be generated using built-in functions, third-party libraries like ramsey/uuid, or custom functions tailored to specific needs.

The Importance of UUIDs in PHP Applications

UUIDs play a crucial role in PHP applications for several reasons, ensuring unique identification, scalability, and security. 

Here’s a detailed explanation of the importance of UUIDs in PHP applications:

  • Uniqueness: UUIDs provide a high level of uniqueness for an application’s resources, objects, and entities. Using UUIDs as identifiers can minimize the risk of collisions or conflicts, ensuring that each record or resource is distinct and can be accurately referenced and accessed.
  • Decentralized generation: UUIDs can be generated independently by different systems or components of an application without relying on a centralized authority. This feature is especially important in distributed systems or microservices architecture, where each service needs to generate unique identifiers without coordinating with other services.
  • Scalability: UUIDs support creating an enormous number of unique identifiers (approximately 3.4 × 10^38), making them suitable for large-scale applications and systems with massive amounts of data. This vast number space ensures that UUIDs can be generated at a high rate without running out of unique identifiers.
  • Non-sequential: Unlike auto-incrementing IDs, UUIDs are non-sequential, making it harder for attackers to predict or guess other identifiers in the system. This characteristic increases security and reduces the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data or resources.
  • Interoperability: UUIDs are a widely adopted standard across different platforms, programming languages, and systems. This cross-platform compatibility allows for seamless communication, data exchange, and integration between various parts of a PHP application and other systems or components.
  • Easier data migration and merging: When migrating data between databases or merging data from different sources, UUIDs help ensure that unique identifiers remain unique, reducing manual intervention to resolve conflicts or duplicate records.

By utilizing UUIDs in PHP applications, developers can benefit from enhanced uniqueness, scalability, and security while ensuring seamless interoperability and easier data migration between systems.

An Overview of UUID generation options in PHP

In PHP, multiple methods are available for generating UUIDs, each with advantages and disadvantages. 

PHP UUID Generation Options

  • PHP built-in functions: PHP offers built-in functions to generate unique identifiers that are easy to use and do not require external libraries. However, these methods may only generate partially standard-compliant UUIDs or provide the same level of security and randomness as other methods.
    • uniqid(): The uniqid() function generates a unique identifier based on the current time in microseconds. It is simple to use but may have a higher risk of collisions and lower security compared to other methods.
    • random_bytes() and bin2hex(): The random_bytes() function generates a random string of bytes, and bin2hex() converts it into a hexadecimal representation. This approach provides better randomness and security than uniqid() but may not fully comply with UUID standards.
  • Ramsey/UUID package: The ramsey/uuid package is a popular PHP library that generates fully compliant UUIDs. It provides versatility in generating various UUID versions, including time-based, name-based, and random UUIDs. However, this option requires an external library and additional dependencies.
    • UUID version 1 (time-based): Generates UUIDs based on the current time and the generating system’s MAC address, ensuring uniqueness across time and space.
    • UUID version 3 (name-based, MD5): Generates UUIDs using a cryptographic hash (MD5) of a name and a namespace. They are deterministic, meaning the same input will always produce the same UUID.
    • UUID version 4 (random): Generates UUIDs randomly, providing a high degree of uniqueness and randomness with a very low probability of collisions.
    • UUID version 5 (name-based, SHA-1): Generates UUIDs using a cryptographic hash (SHA-1) of a name and a namespace. Similar to version 3, they are deterministic but offer better security.
  • Custom UUID generation function: You can create your custom function for generating UUIDs, giving you full control over the generation process. This approach allows for customization but may require more effort to ensure compliance with UUID standards and avoid potential collisions.
    • Custom implementation: Design and implement a custom UUID generation function according to your needs and requirements while considering factors like compliance with UUID standards, randomness, and security.

By understanding these UUID generation options in PHP, you can choose the most suitable method for your application, considering factors such as ease of use, UUID standard compliance, dependency requirements, collision risk, security, and versatility.

Option 1: PHP built-in functions for generating UUIDs

PHP provides built-in functions that can be used to generate unique identifiers without needing external libraries. In this section, we will discuss two such methods: uniqid() and a combination of random_bytes() and bin2hex().

  1. Using uniqid()
  2. Explanation of uniqid()

uniqid() is a PHP built-in function that generates a unique identifier based on the current time in microseconds. Although it may not produce fully standard-compliant UUIDs, it is simple and does not require additional dependencies.

Code example: Generating a UUID with uniqid()

$prefix = "uuid_";
$uuid = uniqid($prefix, true);
echo $uuid;

In the above code example, we use the uniqid() function to generate a unique identifier with a custom prefix (“uuid_“). The second parameter provides additional entropy for better uniqueness when set to true.

Pros and cons of using uniqid()


  • Easy to use.
  • No need for external libraries.
  • Customizable prefix.


  • Lower randomness compared to other methods.
  • Higher risk of collisions.
  • Not fully compliant with UUID standards.
  • Less secure than other methods.

Using random_bytes() and bin2hex()

random_bytes() is a PHP built-in function that generates a random string of bytes, while bin2hex() converts binary data into a hexadecimal representation. Combining these functions allows you to create unique identifiers with better randomness and security than uniqid().

Code example: Generating a UUID with random_bytes() and bin2hex()

$uuid = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
echo $uuid;

In the above code example, we generate a random string of 16 bytes using the random_bytes() function. Then, we convert the binary data into a hexadecimal string using bin2hex(). Although this method provides better randomness than uniqid(), it may still not fully comply with UUID standards.

Pros and cons of using random_bytes() and bin2hex()


  • Better randomness than uniqid().
  • More secure than uniqid().
  • No need for external libraries.


  • Not fully compliant with UUID standards.
  • Higher risk of collisions compared to UUID libraries.
  • Less versatile compared to other methods (e.g., no support for time-based or name-based UUIDs).

By using PHP built-in functions for generating UUIDs, such as uniqid() and a combination of random_bytes() and bin2hex(), you can create unique identifiers without the need for external libraries or additional dependencies. These methods are easy to implement and suitable for simple projects where UUID generation is not a core feature.

However, it is important to note that PHP built-in functions may produce only partially standard-compliant UUIDs or provide the same level of security and randomness as other methods, like the ramsey/uuid package. Additionally, using built-in functions offers less versatility in generating different UUID versions, such as time-based or name-based UUIDs.

PHP built-in functions for generating UUIDs can be an adequate solution for smaller projects or simple use cases. Still, developers should consider more robust libraries like ramsey/uuid for larger projects or applications where UUID compliance, security, and versatility are crucial.

Option 2: Using the ramsey/uuid package

The ramsey/uuid package is a popular PHP library for generating UUIDs that comply with UUID standards. It offers versatility in generating different UUID versions, including time-based, name-based, and random UUIDs.

Installing ramsey/uuid

To install the ramsey/uuid package, use Composer, the dependency manager for PHP. Run the following command in your project directory:

composer require ramsey/uuid --dev

This command will download and install the ramsey/uuid package and its dependencies into your project.

Generating UUIDs with ramsey/uuid

The ramsey/uuid package provides several methods for generating different UUID versions. Below are code examples for generating UUID versions 1, 3, 4, and 5.

Code example: Generating a UUID version 1 (time-based)

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Ramsey\Uuid\Guid\Guid;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122\FieldsInterface;

$uuid1 = Guid::uuid1();
echo "Generated UUID version 1 (time-based): " . $uuid1->toString() . PHP_EOL;

In the above code example, we generate a time-based UUID (version 1) using the Guid::uuid1() method.

Code example: Generating a UUID version 3 (name-based with MD5)

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Ramsey\Uuid\Guid\Guid;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122\FieldsInterface;

$namespace = Guid::uuid4();
$name = '';
$uuid3 = Guid::uuid3($namespace, $name);
echo "Generated UUID version 3 (name-based with MD5): " . $uuid3->toString() . PHP_EOL;

In the above code example, we generate a name-based UUID (version 3) using the Guid::uuid3() method, providing a namespace UUID and a name.

Code example: Generating a UUID version 4 (random)

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Ramsey\Uuid\Guid\Guid;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122\FieldsInterface;

$uuid4 = Guid::uuid4();
echo "Generated UUID version 4 (random): " . $uuid4->toString() . PHP_EOL;

In the above code example, we generate a random UUID (version 4) using the Guid::uuid4() method.

Code example: Generating a UUID version 5 (name-based with SHA1)

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Ramsey\Uuid\Guid\Guid;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122\FieldsInterface;

$namespace = Guid::uuid4();
$name = '';
$uuid5 = Guid::uuid5($namespace, $name);
echo "Generated UUID version 5 (name-based with SHA1): " . $uuid5->toString() . PHP_EOL;

In the above code example, we generate a name-based UUID (version 5) using the Guid::uuid5() method, providing a namespace UUID and a name.

Pros and cons of using the ramsey/uuid package


  • Fully compliant with UUID standards.
  • Provides multiple UUID versions (1, 3, 4, and 5).
  • Ensures better uniqueness, randomness, and security.
  • Actively maintained and widely used library.


  • Requires an external library and additional dependencies.
  • It may have a steeper learning curve compared to built-in functions.
  • It may add complexity to your project if UUID generation is not a core feature.

By using the ramsey/uuid package, you benefit from a comprehensive and reliable solution for generating UUIDs in PHP applications. It provides a wide range of UUID versions and guarantees compliance with UUID standards. However, it may require additional effort to set up and maintain compared to using built-in PHP functions.

Option 3: Generating UUIDs with a custom function

Creating a custom function for generating UUIDs is another approach that can be employed in PHP applications. This option allows developers to tailor the UUID generation process to specific project requirements and constraints.

Custom UUID generation functions are created by developers to address specific needs that built-in PHP functions or external libraries may not cover. This approach provides flexibility and control over the UUID generation process but may require additional effort to ensure compliance with UUID standards and maintain high levels of security and uniqueness.

Code example: Creating a custom UUID generation function in PHP

Here’s an example of a custom UUID generation function that creates a version 4 (random) UUID:


function generate_custom_uuid_v4()
    $data = random_bytes(16);
    $data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // Set version to 0100 (UUID version 4)
    $data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // Set variant to 10 (RFC 4122)

    return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4));

$custom_uuid_v4 = generate_custom_uuid_v4();
echo "Generated custom UUID version 4: " . $custom_uuid_v4 . PHP_EOL;

In the above code example, we generate a random string of 16 bytes using the random_bytes() function. Then, we set the UUID version (4) and variant (RFC 4122) to make it compliant with UUID standards. Finally, we convert the binary data into a hexadecimal string using bin2hex() and format it as a standard UUID string using vsprintf().

Pros and cons of using a custom UUID generation function


  • Full control over the UUID generation process.
  • Can be tailored to specific project requirements and constraints.
  • No need for external libraries.


  • Requires additional effort to ensure compliance with UUID standards.
  • It may require thorough testing to maintain high levels of security and uniqueness.
  • Time-consuming compared to using built-in functions or external libraries.

Using a custom UUID generation function provides flexibility and control, but it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring the generated UUIDs are compliant with standards, secure, and unique. Creating a custom function may be the most suitable approach for complex projects or when specific requirements must be met. 

However, built-in PHP functions or external libraries like ramsey/uuid are more convenient and reliable options for most applications.

Creating UUIDs in PHP: Options Compared with Code Examples Summary

In this article, we explored different options for generating UUIDs in PHP applications, along with code examples to demonstrate their usage. UUIDs are essential for unique identification in various applications, ensuring effective data management, security, and tracking.

PHP built-in functions

Using built-in functions like uniqid(), random_bytes(), and bin2hex() offers a quick and easy way to generate unique identifiers without external libraries. However, this approach may not produce fully standard-compliant UUIDs or provide the same level of security and randomness as other methods.

ramsey/uuid package

The ramsey/uuid package is a popular and reliable library for generating fully compliant UUIDs with multiple versions, ensuring better uniqueness, randomness, and security. The downside of using this package is that it requires an external library and additional dependencies.

Custom UUID generation function

Creating a custom UUID generation function offers flexibility and control over the UUID generation process, addressing specific project requirements and constraints. While it provides customizability, it requires additional effort to ensure UUID compliance, security, and uniqueness.

Recommendations on choosing the best method for specific use cases

The choice of UUID generation method depends on your project’s specific requirements and constraints:

  • PHP built-in functions may be adequate for smaller projects or simple use cases. They are easy to implement, require no additional dependencies, and are suitable for situations where UUID generation is not a core feature.
  • For larger projects or applications with strict UUID compliance, security, or versatility requirements, the ramsey/uuid package is a robust and comprehensive solution. It provides a wide range of UUID versions and guarantees compliance with UUID standards.
  • For projects with unique requirements or constraints, creating a custom UUID generation function might be the most suitable option. This approach offers flexibility and control over the UUID generation process but requires additional effort to ensure compliance, security, and uniqueness.

When choosing the best method for generating UUIDs in your PHP applications, consider factors such as project size, UUID compliance, security, and versatility requirements. By selecting the appropriate approach, you can ensure unique identifiers that meet your application’s needs and provide a solid foundation for data management, security, and tracking.

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