10 Top HTTP cURL Request Code Examples in 2023

In this article, we discuss 10 HTTP cURL request questions. We will provide you with prompt answers regarding questions about how to send cURL to get request and post request, along with PHP code examples. We will also discuss how to attach and send a file using a cURL request and using Postman to send a cURL request. Table of Contents In this article, we cover the following questions. What is a cURL Request What is cURL Used For? How to Setup & Use Curl in PHP How to Send cURL Get Request PHP Code Example? How to Send cURL Post Request PHP Code Example? How to POST JSON in a cURL Request? How to Send CSV Data in a cURL Request? How to Attach & Send a File in cURL Request? How to Use Postman to Send cURL Request? How to check file types in a cURL Request? What…

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POST cURL Body from File: PHP Code Examples ( JSON, CSV )

Steps to POST cURL request with a body from a File in PHP Sending a CURL request with body from file in PHP requires a few steps. You need to retrieve the content from your files, setup your curl request with curl_init, and include the CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to the body content before executing with curl_exec. Initialize your cURL request with curl_init Open up your file content with file_get_contents Convert the file contents to a PHP array if not already. Setup your cURL Request Options array. Set CURLOPT_POST to true in options Set CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to your PHP array from above Pass the options array to curl_setopt_array Send the cURL request with curl_exec Close the cURL request with curl_close Verify and validate response Continue processing. Post cURL Body from File in PHP Code Example <?php //Initialise the cURL var $curl = curl_init(); //Create a POST array with the file in it $fileData =…

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Install cURL Libraries for PHP on AWS EC2 From Start to Finish

How to Install cURL for PHP on AWS Amazon Linux EC2 cURL comes pre-installed on an AWS EC2 instance. You can follow these 2 steps if you find it missing. You will need to install the cURL module. Once installed, confirm that the cURL extension is enabled in your php.ini file. Steps to Install cURL on an AWS EC2 with Amazon Linux EC2 Connect into the AWS EC2 instance using SSH or Session Manager Update Linux packages with command: sudo yum update Install cURL package with command: sudo yum install php-curl Verify if cURL is installed with command: curl -v Confirm the PHP curl extension is enabled in your PHP.ini file Find the PHP.ini file on the server with command: php --ini cd to the directory of the PHP.ini file like: cd /etc Open the file using vim or your preferred editor: vi php.ini Find the following in the file:…

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How to Send a cURL GET Request: 2023 PHP Code Examples

How to Send a cURL GET Request in PHP Code Example Here's a featured snippet from the article. The example performs a basic cURL GET request in PHP. $url = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1"; $curl = curl_init($url); //Initializes a cURL session and returns a cURL handler. $response = curl_exec($curl); //Executes the cURL session. curl_close($curl); //Closes the session and deletes the variable (recommended use) echo $response; Don't know what cURL is all about? Stick to this article and learn what is cURL in PHP? Digging Deeper into Our Articles About cURL How to POST cURL Body from File in PHP | JSON, CSV, and More Install cURL Libraries for PHP on AWS EC2 From Start to Finish Run a cURL GET Request in PHP What is cURL in PHP? cURL (Client URL) is a command-line tool that communicates with a server. It simplifies sending data to and from the server using short commands right…

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